An article that might be of interest for Nok longs
An article that might be of interest for Nok longs# Stock
求帮忙推荐一个IOS 相关的职位或者entry level
可以relocate 有绿卡
PS 找IOS的工作也需要刷题吗?
14-Jan-11 02:59 am
A broad study has found that investors are likely to purchase the stocks
of companies important to the local economy.
Finns are actively purchasing stocks, especially those with a local
FINNS are returning to the stock market in ever-greater numbers. Last
year the OMX Helsinki 25 index was up 29 per cent, drawing more small
investors back to the market.
Statistics released by the investment settlement group Euroclear shows
that the number of stock owners is growing. It counts the number of
owners in Finland’s book-entry system, and while it is not an exact
count of investors it does show trends in their numbers.
Although the information shows a broad appetite for stocks, some
individual companies are receiving a great deal of attention from the
investing public. Nokia in particular is going through a revival of
popularity. According to Euroclear’s system the number of Nokia owners
has surged by 23 per cent to over 191,000. “Everyone loves Nokia,” says
Juha Raumolin, Nordnet’s Small Investor Director.
Regional preferences
The online broker Nordnet has made a broad study of investor behaviour
and has found regional differences in their clients across Finland.
Currently investors are likely to purchase the stocks of companies
important to the local economy. Besides Nokia, which is now popular
everywhere, the different regions of Finland show different investor
“In Helsinki and in the south financials and telecommunications are
popular,” says Raumolin. “The most commonly held company is Elisa,
because there are many old holders of Helsinki Telephone stock that was
converted into Elisa. Stockmann is popular, too. Partly because of the
loyal customer programme where customers have options to buy shares.
There is probably a bit less interest in basic materials such as
Rautaruukki or Outokumpu.”
One region that is interested in the stainless steel manufacturer
Outokumpu is Lapland. People in the far north are also buying
TeliaSonera. Investors in Oulu are flocking to Elekrobit, one of the
high-tech powerhouses based in the city. In Åland people are more
to be buying Neste Oil or Nordea, which is dominant in Sweden.
“Elsewhere in Finland Nordea is not as popular,” explains Raumolin.
There are also differences between the sexes. Men are much more likely
to hold shares of Talvivaara while women often own Orion and Stockmann.
Some popular stocks
in southern Finland
1) Nokia
2) Fortum
3) Sampo
4) TeliaSonera
5) UPM-Kymmene
6) Neste Oil
Home-grown companies
The typical Finn is apparently uninterested in international investing.
“Apple is one of the most popular companies in the world,” says
Raumolin. “But in Finland, we have ten times more owners of the little
mining company Talvivaara than Apple. We have a hundred times more Nokia
owners than Apple owners.”
He points out that only about 13 per cent of trades by Finns involve a
company outside the domestic exchange. In contrast, around 24 per cent
of Swedes’ trades are outside their home market. Raumolin says that
among Finns the most commonly traded foreign company was Swedbank. Bank
of America and British Petroleum were also popular in the third quarter.
“There is a lot of interest in stocks right now,” Raumolin sums up.
“Exchange volume is up, net purchases are up, and the number of accounts
is up. We also are seeing a lot more customer questions, especially
about Nokia. There is a special interest in Nokia among private
Finns might not be the only people interested in the mobile phone
manufacturer. Raumolin also says that Nokia was the fourth most popular
company among Swedes in the third quarter.
P.S. Let's answer this question: Why would Finns buy Nokia unless some
insider information got involved? "Somebody" talking!
MEEGO is COMING ....Buy Buy Buy!!!

【在 q*******4 的大作中提到】
: 求帮忙推荐一个IOS 相关的职位或者entry level
: 可以relocate 有绿卡
: PS 找IOS的工作也需要刷题吗?
: 谢谢


【在 w*******i 的大作中提到】
: 弯曲Doordash大量招IOS职位,在leetoffers.com上一小时前新加的内推资源
师傅, nok 不行啊, 跌了

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: 14-Jan-11 02:59 am
: A broad study has found that investors are likely to purchase the stocks
: of companies important to the local economy.
: Finns are actively purchasing stocks, especially those with a local
: flavour.
: FINNS are returning to the stock market in ever-greater numbers. Last
: year the OMX Helsinki 25 index was up 29 per cent, drawing more small
: investors back to the market.
: Statistics released by the investment settlement group Euroclear shows
: that the number of stock owners is growing. It counts the number of
