Radiation Fear Also Rises in Korea
Radiation Fear Also Rises in Korea# Stock
Associated Press
An arriving air passenger from Japan passes through a scanner to check radiation level at Incheon International Airport on Thursday.
As Japan struggles with the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex, fear that radiation leakage will spread across the region is rising in South Korea as well as China and elsewhere. Here, authorities have tried to keep the worries from getting out of hand.
The Korean Pharmaceutical Association issued a statement late Wednesday after pharmacists reported surge in inquiries about iodine tablets, which can be taken to limit the damage that radiation can cause on the thyroid.
The association said such worries were unwarranted at the moment. It noted that high levels of iodine are needed and that there are complications, such as allergic reactions in some people. “Further, it is said that there is no chance of radioactive material reaching Korean soil, so taking high amounts of iodine may end up being harmful,” the association said.
“There is no need to purchase iodine (pills) based on vague fears about radiation from Fukushima; if (citizens are) concerned about exposure to radiation, it would be better to increase the intake of foods with a lot of iodine such as kelp, seaweed and dried laver rather than taking iodine pills,” the pharmaceutical association said.
The Korean group noted that some Koreans were getting information about radiation and iodine through incomplete postings on the Internet. There were also rumors spread online Tuesday that Korea may get hit with radiation exposure, which some authorities think may have contributed to a drop in stock prices that day.
South Korean government officials have said the country is safe from radiation. However, the government is strengthening radiation tests on livestock and fishery product imports from Japan. At Incheon International Airport, the country’s largest, visitors from Japan will be offered voluntary screening for radiation starting today.
adiation screening not needed at Changi yet: govt
While some countries around the region are moving to screen passengers
coming from Japan, Singapore and Changi Airport are watching developments
closely before taking any measures.
A statement by the Singapore government released last night said that the
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) has been monitoring the
potential impact of the disaster in Japan on flights and airport operations.
'Developments so far do not necessitate the screening of aircraft or
passengers for radiation. However, Changi Airport has in place contingency
plans to deal with radioactive contamination,' the statement said.
'Developments are being watched closely and this assessment will be reviewed
on an ongoing basis.'
Malaysia's airports are screening inbound passengers from Japan for
radiation, and some other East Asian carriers are cutting back flights to
Wire services reported that Air China had cut flights from Beijing and
Shanghai to Tokyo because of earthquake aftershock worries rather than
radioactive contamination concerns.
'We have cancelled some of the flights from China for safety reasons. But
most flights remain normal,' Air China spokeswoman Zhu Mei told AFP. 'The
cancelled fights were those scheduled to stay one night at Japan airports.
The planes could face danger in the event of aftershocks.'
A Singapore Airlines spokesman said flights to Japan were operating as per
schedule, but the airline was watching developments very closely.
AFP also reported that some airlines were considering introducing screening
for passengers coming from Japan, where nuclear radiation leaks have emerged
as the latest shock to hit the already stricken nation.
South Korea is considering screening incoming passengers, while Thai Airways
has informed its cabin crew on Japan flights not to stay overnight in Japan
so as to reduce the risk from radiation and aftershocks.
Like Singapore, other countries such as India, Indonesia and South Korea are
watching developments closely before deciding the next course of action.
But some companies and countries are already putting in place evacuation
plans for staff and citizens. China started a mass evacuation of its
citizens from Japan's tsunami- ravaged Sendai region yesterday.
Singapore faces "minimal exposure"
IF THERE is a nuclear meltdown in Japan, will the radiation leakage reach
It will probably take years to reach Singapore and the impact should be
minimal, Dr Hooman Peimani told The New Paper in a phone interview.
Dr Peimani is the head of the Energy Security Division at the National
University of Singapore's Energy Studies Institute.
Read also:
What you should know about radiation sickness
Last August, he presented a paper on the viability of underground nuclear
reactors in Singapore at the Nuclear Power conference.
Dr Peimani, a Canadian, said: "If the release of radiation is phenomenal and
if the natural means of transportation of radiation, such as wind and water
, are strong enough to carry the radiation here, then it is possible that
radiation reaches Singapore in the future.
But he added that "the radiation strength would be insignificant to cause
any damage by the time it reaches us".
And does he think that food imported from Japan is safe for consumption?
Dr Peimani said: "Yes. Today, there is no indication of exposure of any food
in Japan to any volume of radiation beyond the acceptable level.
"However, if there is any food produced in the proximity of the nuclear
reactor and if indeed there is a significant amount of radiation released
and food is exposed, it is possible that food produced in that region be
contaminated. And in this case, the food should not be consumed."