今天 TraderSuccess(tm) 电子信的内容 (March 22, 2011) (转载)
今天 TraderSuccess(tm) 电子信的内容 (March 22, 2011) (转载)# Stock
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发信人: MB80528 (肥猫(Contrarian)[食MM而肥]), 信区: TraderSuccess
标 题: 今天 TraderSuccess(tm) 电子信的内容 (March 22, 2011)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 23 13:02:39 2011, 美东)
有免费的 eMail Newsletter:
MCP Now Bearish (March 22, 2011)
We now confirm that MCP is over-extended and bearish.
Here is the latest forecasts (as of last night, March 22, 2011):
MCP, 20110322, 53.0000, -6.1564, -11.6
MCP, 20110321, 44.6100, -0.8592, -1.9
MCP, 20110318, 44.0500, -0.1551, -0.4
MCP, 20110317, 42.5800, 1.6076, 3.8
MCP, 20110316, 43.1900, 2.1771, 5.0
MCP, 20110315, 43.6200, 3.1049, 7.1
We had a BUY signal for MCP on March 15, 2011 (20110315) Note that
historically MCP is a short when percentage is -8% or more negative.
We are tracking NFLX, which has not quite reached a sell signal. A reading
of -3.5% or more negative is needed for a sell signal in NFLX. Here are
the latest price forecasts for NFLX:
NFLX, 20110322, 223.4000, -5.4832, -2.5
NFLX, 20110321, 212.8100, 0.5698, 0.3
NFLX, 20110318, 209.1000, 5.8849, 2.8
NFLX, 20110317, 211.7000, -2.9798, -1.4
NFLX, 20110316, 212.7000, -3.5431, -1.7
NFLX, 20110315, 216.2600, -7.5947, -3.5
Our research shows that 95% to 99% of short-sales are done by the Street,
which makes most of the profits. The public are focused on the long side,
where prices take a long time to build and a fraction of the time to
collapse. Frankly, bears do better, much better, on Wall Street. Every
Street hype and pump is a fruit-picking opportunity for the bears. You just
have to wait for the fruit to ripen. They pump to induce the public to buy
tops, but being smart, you don't get suckered into doing that, and exploit
the situation by dumping and going short.
Every time a stock price jumped for no reason (or under pretextual "news"),
it is a great potential profit opportunity. Likewise for situations where
price plunged. We almost always know situations of price manipulations like
this and while it may be late to play the long (or the short, in case of
price plunge) side, it is often not late or just in time to play the
opposite side.
If you learn from our strategies and tactics, you'll no longer feel
victimized, but rather empowered, by Street price manipulations that occur
numerous times on various stocks every day. Why empowered? Because you can
then do the opposite of what the Street wanted to induce you, the public,
to do to your financial detriment and their financial gain. By being
patient and contrarian, you would do extremely well, often within hours.
Every time a stock is in the news because of a sharp price jump or plunge,
you should instinctively suspect Street manipulation and look to do the
opposite of what the misled and gullible public would do. Then an easy
check with the latest price forecasts (takes seconds) will quickly confirm
either the correctness of your instinct (most of the time) or that there may
be more momentum to go (in which case you wait for the exhaustion of the
surge or plunge). Profitable trading is as simple as that, no brains, no
anxiety, and taking extremely little time --- a child's play.
Keep in mind that we do have 15,000+ stock forecasts (including ETFs) priced
at $20 each. So if you want a copy of the latest price forecast on almost
any stock, chances are that we can provide. There is no other company in
the entire world that has as many precise, reliable stock price forecasts as
we do. We are easily twice or three times the stock coverage of any
largest equity research company but in terms of precision and accuracy, none
of them even comes close. In terms of price, we are certainly very
competitively priced, although the others are not really in the same league,
until they can provide (1) buy and sell signals at price bottoms and peaks
without time lag, AND (2) provide the magnitude of future price movement
right at the price peaks and bottoms.
As you can see, armed with precise, reliable price forecasts, it is quite
easy to achieve >10% return per month (cash basis, without using leverage),
and much, much more, if derivatives are used. DISCLAIMER: Above price
forecasts are not recommendations or advice but for your information only.
You should consult a genuine investment expert or professional before you
invest or trade.
That's it for now. Till next time. Happy trading!