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Nicklas Bendtner's father, who also acts as the player's agent, has revealed
his son has informed Arsenal of his desire to leave.
Nicklas Bendtner has had a frustrating season with Arsenal
GettyImagesNicklas Bendtner has had a frustrating season with Arsenal
The Danish forward has slipped down the pecking order at Arsenal this season
, with him now seemingly viewed as an impact player from the bench.
Bendtner is frustrated with his lack of playing time and is ready to listen
to offers, wth Bayern Munich reported to be keeping tabs on his satiation.
"Nicklas is 100% open now to a change of clubs," Thomas Bendtner is quoted
as saying in the Daily Mirror. "He has made his decision and he has told it
to Arsenal.
"Nicklas needs to be playing regularly from the start so, sadly, he must
"There is real interest from both English and German clubs, and Bayern
Munich were after him earlier. It's all very exciting."
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