New American Socialism, cancer that needs chemo
New American Socialism, cancer that needs chemo# Stock
Today, New American Socialism has spread like a cancer throughout our
country, afflicting industry after industry.
Like a cancer, once it infects an industry, it metastasizes from company to
company in that sector. Suddenly, businesses cannot function without massive
government aid. These corporate wards of the State weigh down the rest of
our economy… making us weaker and less competitive and dragging us further
into debt.
Keep in mind, this New American Socialism I'm talking about isn't called
socialism at all. It goes by many names. It's been called "compassionate
conservatism." It's been called "joint public-private enterprise." It's been
called "government insurance."
I've been studying it for many years – finding it in one company after
another. I've actually preferred having it in many of the stocks I've
recommended over the years because it tends to be good for investors.
That's the most insidious thing about New American Socialism: It's a form of
socialism that leaves the profit motive in place.
That's why the New American Socialism has grown decade after decade. That's
why it continues to be heavily promoted by almost every mainstream media
outlet and both political parties.
It leads to a kind of corruption I believe will be impossible to stop
without a full-scale economic collapse.