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3. IO会换吗?
4. 有必要同时申请Eb2作为backup吗?

How to change your child's name
by Alissa Merksamer
Last updated: December 2007
* "Common usage" versus legal name change
* The legal process
* What happens next?
* Resources for your state
Deciding on a name for your child can be tough. And even after you think you
've picked just the right name, you may find it wasn't quite so perfect
after all.
In a recent survey of BabyCenter parents, 5 percent admitted that they wish
they could change their child's name. Why? Most said the name had become too
popular. Other reasons included frequent mispronunciation, family rifts,
and the chosen name not fitting the personality of the child.
If you're serious about changing your child's name, it's best to get the
process under way as early as possible. According to our expert, a baby
doesn't recognize her name until she's about 5 months old, so you have a
window of time before it would be confusing to start calling her by a new
name. (Of course, you can always start calling your child by her new name
well in advance of starting the legal name change process, if you decide to
go that route.)
"Common usage" versus legal name change
The easiest way to change your child's name is by "common usage." This just
means that you start calling your child by a different name, friends and
family start referring to her by that name, you introduce her on the
playground with that name, and pretty soon, the name sticks.
Calling a child by a nickname is the simplest example of common usage. Say
you named your child Isabella (the number-two girl's name in 2007), but you'
ve found that you prefer to call her Bella. You tell your family members and
friends to call her Bella, and from then on, that's the name she's known by.
The greatest benefit of common usage is that it spares you the hassles and
expense of a legal name change. If you're only making a slight change to
your child's name, common usage might be a viable option.
If you're completely changing the name — for example, from Isabella to
Addison — common usage won't quite cut it. All of your child's legal
documents (birth certificate, Social Security, school records, savings bonds
) will still be in her original name.
This can be confusing to a child (for example, if teachers refer to her by
her legal name), but perhaps more importantly, you may be creating an
administrative headache for her for the rest of her life. Every time she
opens a bank account, applies for a job, or does anything requiring her
legal name, she'll have to use Isabella, even though she and everyone around
her thinks of her as Addison.
The legal process
A legal name change provides authorization and recognition of your child's
new name. It allows you to change the name that's printed on your child's
Social Security card and, depending on how old she is, on her birth
The easiest way to get started is to contact a lawyer. The lawyer will know
your state's specific rules and requirements, supply you with all the
appropriate forms, and file the forms with the court.
If you don't want to pay a lawyer's fees, you may be able to navigate the
process by yourself. Your first step would be to contact your local county
court to learn the exact process you'll need to go through, as name change
procedures vary by state.
In Minnesota, for example, your child must have been a Minnesota resident
for a minimum of six months in order to qualify for a legal name change. In
California, if you're filing for the name change as a single parent, you'll
be required to provide the other parent with a copy of the paperwork at
least 30 days before the court date.
If you and your spouse are applying together, both of you will be required
to sign the forms. Many states, including California, Wisconsin, Colorado,
and Utah, explain the whole process online and provide free, downloadable
forms. Other states, such as Idaho, provide free, downloadable forms only
for low-income families. If you can't obtain the forms online, call your
county court to find out where you can purchase them.
Although the requirements vary slightly by state, here's a basic list of the
forms you'll be dealing with:
* Petition for a name change
* Court order approving your desired name change
* Petition giving public notice of the name change
* Final decree from the court authorizing the name change
You'll need to sign these forms in front of a notary, also called a notary
public. You can find notary services at Mailboxes Etc., UPS Store, and other
retail shipping locations, or you can check your local yellow pages or
search one of the many notary directories online. If you're working with a
lawyer, he or she will have access to a notary.
Be sure to make several copies of the documents for your own personal
records and to use when you apply for a name change on your child's Social
Security card and birth certificate.
Along with the paperwork, you'll need to pay fees, which also vary by state
(for example, $65 in New York and $150 in Alaska). If you can't afford these
fees, most states have waivers you can apply for.
Once you've filled out all the paperwork and paid the fees, you'll wait
approximately one to two months to receive the court order approving the
name change.
What happens next?
Once the court legally recognizes your child's new name, her Social Security
card (and birth certificate, depending on her age) will need to be changed.
If you've already ordered your child's Social Security card, it's very
important to report any name change so that her future wages will be
accurately recorded and she'll be able to withdraw the correct amount of
Social Security.
To report a legal name change to the Social Security Administration, you'll
need to fill out an application for a Social Security card. You can obtain
the application by visiting your local Social Security office, calling the
SSA's toll-free number, (800) 772-1213, or downloading the form. If you live
in the New York City metropolitan area, Las Vegas, or Phoenix, you may be
required to turn in your completed form to your local Social Security office
in person.
Social Security Forms
To change the name on your child's birth certificate, you'll need to contact
your state's Office of Vital Records — typically part of the Department of
Health. Most states allow parents six to 12 months to make changes to a
child's birth certificate without requiring a court order. The fee for a
birth certificate change will be approximately $40.
Resources for your state
The links below have general information by state for the steps, forms, and
fees involved in changing your child's name. If your state isn't listed here
, contact your county court for more information.
Alaska Nevada
California New Hampshire
Colorado New Jersey
Connecticut New York
Delaware Oregon
Hawaii Pennsylvania
Idaho Tennessee
Iowa Texas
Kentucky Utah
Maine Virginia
Maryland Vermont
Massachusetts Washington
Minnesota West Virginia
Mississippi Wisconsin
Montana Wyoming
1. 可以
2. 没有
3. 不一定
4. 无所谓
宝办护照呢,应该跟我们程序差不多的。我当时就是去health department花了一分钟

【在 t********n 的大作中提到】
: 我和宝宝昨天刚出院,刚写了名字今天回来突然发现名字不好,需要改动一下,请问该
: 怎么办呀?要在多久内去改?去哪里改呢?谢谢!!


【在 l********a 的大作中提到】
: 1. 可以
: 2. 没有
: 3. 不一定
: 4. 无所谓

名字,申请SSN时医院就会帮你填Girl/Boy +Last Name,等你想好名字以后再去改,具
谢谢大家的回复,今天打电话去医院, 直接去重新签名确认birth certifite可以了。
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