突然为大跌感到高兴不入虎穴,焉得虎子?大家别想抄底拉,spx会见950-960 from some CNBC trader interviewperfect time to put your money inDare MM to break SPX 1000 line?Time to kill little beari dont understand why people still here?May pending home sales tumble to record lownow it is the perfect time to panicbottom fish涨还是继续跌?maybe it's time nowC政府只卖了三分之一where did the money go?今天走V翻绿FAS/FAZ刚才似乎擦身而过?鬼畜崩毁ingI am full margin in long.....昨天割肉赔40万的老兄忍到今天割....牛心只要重一点。