再次巧遇凤姐 附凤姐的英文证婚传单(据说已过时) (转载)
再次巧遇凤姐 附凤姐的英文证婚传单(据说已过时) (转载)# Stock
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发信人: jhong3 (一生何求), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 再次巧遇凤姐 附凤姐的英文证婚传单(据说已过时)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 20 16:53:11 2011, 美东)
继上次我在第五大道上遇到凤姐后, 这次又在时代广场上遇到凤姐. 凤姐还是那样的老
三套, 红色的马甲, 蓝色的牛仔裤, 外加染了黄的头发, 放在纽约街头, 如果, 路人不
是近几年来的美国, 谁都不会看上她两眼. 看到凤姐后,我立马大叫凤姐. 但是,凤姐
和上次一样,头也不回的转身就走. 所以,我只能用手机拍到了她的背影. 为了想近一步
得知凤姐在纽约的近况, 我一路跟在她后面走, 过了两三分钟, 凤姐来到了Broadway附
近的一家星巴克门口,和一个发传单的中年妇女交接了一会儿. 大意是问问今天发传单
的情况. 那个女的说今天的情况不是很好. 凤姐随后说:"那你慢慢发吧,我先去中央图
我心里暗想, 原来网络小丑"凤姐" 还有奋斗的一面. 说完后,凤姐便转身离去. 凤姐走
后, 我问那个发传单的人,能不能让我看一下传单, 那个发传单的中年妇女便很爽快的
给了我. 因为,要传单的路人真的不多....... 拿过传单后,看了一会儿,当便觉十分可
笑. 下面是凤姐叫人在纽约时代广场附近发放的传单, 传单里充满着很多英文语法错误
I'm looking for a Husband now. I am the hottest star from China. my name is
luoyufeng, chinese call me fengjie, born 1985. I want my Husband very
interested in political and Economic. he would like to Dominate the world.
I want my Husband like this:
1.he must Between 25 to 31 years old.
2.he will Between 5.74 feet to 6.11 feet height. 凤姐在这里还用了将来时,感情
3.he must never get married, no children
4. he will graduated from a prestigious world, like Harvard, Yale, MIT, west
point, Stanford, Oxon, and so so
看来我们的凤姐知道的学校还挺多的.最后还用了SO SO 而不是SO ON. 这难道是说连这
5.he must has a master's degree.
6. he can't been an Asian.
7. he would better have a house and a car.
I am born in a poor family in chongqing. when 16, I come to a
Inexpensive Normal school which I never liked.
I read a lot of books Between 9 to 20. I am Expert in Poetry and prose. in
2006 when I am 21, I become a Language teacher. in 2008 when I am 23, I
resigned and come to shanghai for a better future. but I can't get a good
job there. there was no way to get more income except publicize myself. so I
become the hottest star in china in 2010 when I am 25, I came to the U.S.A
in the same year . Since there is over 300,000 chinese man asked marry me,
but none of them suitable. 不知这三十万是哪来的数字.
1. I am only 4.82 feet height, but I used to wear a High-heeled shoes. So I
always looked like 5.08 feet.
2.I 'm from china which Country control Family planning as their basal
policy. I will follow it, so I only want 2 children if get married.
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