2 楼
It is obviously not technically possible for any shareholder or category of
shareholder to hold more than 100% of a company's outstanding shares.
Therefore, when you see investment information websites reporting
institutional holdings exceeding the 100% mark, something is wrong with the
data. There are two likely sources that are responsible for the reporting
First, the figures in an institution's report correspond to an "
institutional holdings date". These can differ somewhat among the various
institutions holding a company's stock, resulting in differences that could
impact the reported percentage for institutional holdings. The data
presented is updated monthly with an approximate lag of four weeks. As a
result, even a slight imprecision in the reporting dates among one or more
institutions could throw off the count.
Second, we checked with Ownership Analyzer, which provides data on
institutional investors' holdings. Here's our summary of their take on the
most likely cause of distorted institutional holdings percentages:
Let's say that XYZ Company has 20 million shares outstanding and Institution
A owns all 20 million. In a shorting transaction, Institution B borrows 5
million of these shares from Institution A and sells them to Institution C.
If both A and C claim ownership of the shares shorted by B, the
institutional ownership of XYZ could be reported as 25 million shares (20 +
5), or 125% (25/20).
In cases where reported institutional ownership exceeds 100%, actual
institutional ownership would have to be very high. While somewhat imprecise
, this conclusion helps investors determine the degree of the impact that
institutional purchases and sales could have on a company's stock.
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/07/institutional_holdings.asp#ixzz1jCZmAzcR
It is obviously not technically possible for any shareholder or category of
shareholder to hold more than 100% of a company's outstanding shares.
Therefore, when you see investment information websites reporting
institutional holdings exceeding the 100% mark, something is wrong with the
data. There are two likely sources that are responsible for the reporting
First, the figures in an institution's report correspond to an "
institutional holdings date". These can differ somewhat among the various
institutions holding a company's stock, resulting in differences that could
impact the reported percentage for institutional holdings. The data
presented is updated monthly with an approximate lag of four weeks. As a
result, even a slight imprecision in the reporting dates among one or more
institutions could throw off the count.
Second, we checked with Ownership Analyzer, which provides data on
institutional investors' holdings. Here's our summary of their take on the
most likely cause of distorted institutional holdings percentages:
Let's say that XYZ Company has 20 million shares outstanding and Institution
A owns all 20 million. In a shorting transaction, Institution B borrows 5
million of these shares from Institution A and sells them to Institution C.
If both A and C claim ownership of the shares shorted by B, the
institutional ownership of XYZ could be reported as 25 million shares (20 +
5), or 125% (25/20).
In cases where reported institutional ownership exceeds 100%, actual
institutional ownership would have to be very high. While somewhat imprecise
, this conclusion helps investors determine the degree of the impact that
institutional purchases and sales could have on a company's stock.
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/07/institutional_holdings.asp#ixzz1jCZmAzcR
3 楼
Is that the only reason?
晕 人人直接出水了未来一两周在13000-13250间震荡横盘这里真的有炒股致富的吗[通知] Stock 主题为<<对赌Mar 29周四大盘SPX涨跌>>的博彩已开奖现在国内白领玩换妻的这么多?挺吃惊的 (转载)renn尾盘这种走法,小盘股很常见的,兴奋做什么?明天RENN又要在6高开明天暴涨大家还记得ICQ吗?同志们啊,我认为2点到,可以超短线抄底了,你们认为呢?以后不能在此爆仓位了中国要想不回到第三世界根据我的观察2012股版最牛的股神还是Unlinc日了,用了马金,收到通知,4月4号要马金CALL了。A 今天还得暴跌,LULU如此坚挺,每次跌都能当天猛拉上来的真正原因~~~其实人人今天走得很稳健~~~~zecco真烂Rumor Mill: Facebook and RENN just met?华盛顿邮报: Facebook Said to Seek Partner to Enter China