Summary Of The Upcoming Week's Key Events
Summary Of The Upcoming Week's Key Events# Stock
Summary Of The Upcoming Week's Key Events
by Tyler Durden
Goldman summarizes the major events in the last 7 days and presents what to
look forward to in the holiday-shortened week.
Monday 16 January
India WPI (Dec): Consensus expects a reading of 7.4%yoy after 9.11%yoy
previously. We expect a reading of 7.3%yoy.
Also of interest: Japanese Machinery orders (Nov), Philippines
remittances (Nov), Swiss producer and import prices (Dec).
Tuesday 17 January
China Q4 GDP: Consensus expects a reading of 8.7%yoy after 9.1%
previously. We expect a print of 8.8%.
China IP (Dec): We and consensus expect a reading of 12.3% after 12.4%
China FAI (Dec): We and consensus expect a reading of 24.1% after 24.5%
China retail sales (Dec): Consensus expects a print of 17.2% after 17.3%
UK CPI (Dec): We expect the reading to soften to 4.3%yoy from 4.8%yoy
Canada Monetary Policy Meeting: Rates are expected to remain unchanged
at 1%.
Also of interest: US Empire survey (Jan), Singapore exports (Dec),
Wednesday 18 January
Malaysia CPI (Dec): Consensus expects a print of 3.1% after 3.3%
US PPI (Dec): We expect a rise of 0.3%mom, the same as the previous
print, compared to a consensus forecast of 0.1%mom. On the ex food and
energy measure we are in line with consensus at 0.1%mom.
US TIC Data (Nov): In light of better US data than elsewhere in the
final months of last year, it will be interesting to see if there is any
evidence of a pick up of foreign appetite for US assets, particularly
US IP (Dec): We expect a rise of 0.6%mom vs consensus at 0.5%. The
previous print was -0.2%mom.
Also of interest: Australia Westpac Consumer Confidence (Jan).
Thursday 19 January
Australia Employment change: Consensus expects a rise of 10k in
employment and an unchanged unemployment rate of 5.3%. We are more bearish
and expect no change in employment, 0k and unemployment to rise to 5.4%.
Philippines Monetary Policy Meeting: Consensus expects a 25bp cut to 4.
25% as do we.
Euroland Balance of Payments (Nov): The current account was in deficit
to the tune of -7.5bn at the last reading.
US CPI (Dec): We expect a rise of 0.18%mom on the headline reading and 0
.1%mom on core. The consensus expects 0.1%mom for both readings.
US Philadelphia Fed Survey (Jan): We expect basically an unchanged
reading of 7.0 against a consensus forecast of 11.
GS Global Leading Indicator (Jan - A): After the Philly Fed survey we
will publish the advanced reading of the GLI for January. The December
reading showed an improvement in monthly momentum to -0.3%mom which is
encouraging for the outlook for IP.
Also of interest: US Claims, Spanish and French bond auctions.
Friday 20 January
Taiwan Export Orders (Dec): Consensus expects a decline of -0.5%yoy.
Taiwan IP (Dec): Consensus expects a decline of -7.25%yoy.
UK Retail sales (Dec): We expect a reading of +0.2%mom after -0.7%
previously. Consensus expects +0.7%.
Canada CPI (Dec): Consensus expects a decline of -0.1%mom.
Sunday 22 January
Croatia: Referendum on EU accession. Most recent polls show 55.1% of the
voters in favour down from 60% at the end of December and up from 50% a
year ago.