[ZT] Merkel wants Greece to default and leave the Eurozone
[ZT] Merkel wants Greece to default and leave the Eurozone# Stock
ENW versions has the same model with some program difference.
turn off beep
longer cook hour 2 to 4, (this is regular cook, not slow cook)
adjusted slow cook temp (or adjustable, I did not get it very clear).
大家要不要cancel Amazon, 重新walmart 定 ENW version?
Merkel wants Greece to default and leave the Eurozone
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, wants Greece to default on its loans and
leave the Eurozone according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity
because the proposal is still being negotiated at the ECB/IMF/EU level for
The information obtained about how to push out Greece was confirmed
yesterday by a reliable source at the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Germany proposed a plan to force the Greek Parliament to surrender its
financial and budget decision making rights to a new commission under the
auspices of the EU and led by Germany two weeks ago as reported by the
Financial Times.
It is therefore not a surprise that Mrs. Merkel pursues the goal of pushing
Greece out to save the euro.
We were also told that Mrs. Merkel does not trust Antonis Samaras, Greek
opposition leader, for several reasons.
Mr. Samaras held a secret meeting with Mr. Putin and several executives of
Gazprom to discuss a rescue plan through direct Russian investments,
primarily pipeline access to the Mediterranean for natural gas and LNG.
In exchange Greece would receive funding for infrastructure projects as well
as more access to the Russian market for its agricultural export products.
We also received confirmation that Mr. Samaras was instrumental in passing
the austerity packages to satisfy the Troika requirements but will call for
new elections as soon as the next 130 billion euro tranche is received.
That in itself is a sign that despite the promise of adhering to the terms
and conditions of the continued bailout, that the new Greek Parliament led
by a coalition of Mr. Samaras party and the labor party, according the polls
, will never implement the austerity packages.
Our analysis based on the confirmed information received from our sources
leads us now to give credibility to the role Germany is playing in the
Eurozone with the silent backing of France and through Mr. Sarkozy, French
It is also clear that Mrs. Merkel wants to save Italy and Spain by forcing
Greece into default and therefore oust the country altogether.
It is not a coincidence that Germany passed up on the possibility of
presiding over the ECB by pulling their heir apparent, Alex Weber, to make
room for a straw man that could easily be managed.
Greece finds itself between a rock and a hard place with no way out except
leaving voluntarily through a selected default and in an orderly fashion or
be pushed into a full default.
Rumors, although unconfirmed at the time of writing, indicate that the IIF,
The Institute of International Finance, is being pressured not to accept the
proposed “haircut” which would put more fuel on the burning Greek fire
and push the country closer to a disorderly default.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: ENW versions has the same model with some program difference.
: turn off beep
: longer cook hour 2 to 4, (this is regular cook, not slow cook)
: adjusted slow cook temp (or adjustable, I did not get it very clear).
: 大家要不要cancel Amazon, 重新walmart 定 ENW version?
