Cynthia: Hi! My name is Cynthia. How can I help you today?
Me: I saved the gift cards to my account, but there none left.
Me: How can I get my gift cards back?
Cynthia: I'm sorry to hear that! What is your email address?
Me: xxxx
Cynthia: Thank you
Me: I managed to find some numbers which I still have the physical cards.
But I can't find the one endng xxx
Cynthia: Okay. I'd be more than happy to take a look.
Me: I have a screenshot taken in last week when I place my previous order
Me: It shows it still has $xx.10
Cynthia: I don't see any saved GiftCards. Did you view your GiftCards by
signing into your account or did you sign in with your mobile
phone # and pin #?
Me: Sign into the website
Me: I have the screenshot
Me: I have so many gift cards in it
Me: I used to use this for a long long time
Cynthia: Okay. How many GiftCards were saved on your account?
Me: Many many
Me: let me count in my screenshot
Cynthia: Great, thanks
Me: At least 18
Me: I only take the screenshot for those have balance.
Cynthia: Can you please provide the GiftCard #'s?
Me: I can't
Me: Hold on
Me: I think I can
Cynthia: Thank you
Me: But I don't have the pin anymore
Me: Because I don't have the physical card
Me: Is it ok?
Cynthia: No problem I just need the GiftCard #
Me: I can get the
Me: OK
Me: xxxxxxx
Cynthia: I show that GiftCard has a balance of $
Me: I used this gift card in my previous order
Me: Yes
Me: But I don't have the physical card anymore because I trust the website
gift card saving option.
Cynthia: I completely understand. I can close out this GiftCard and email
you a new card for the $71.10
Me: Wow, great! Thank you! I will use it immediately and never save it to
the website
Me: Can you also report this situation to your boss?
Cynthia: Absolutely. I will submit this over to our technical time right
away. Wast this the only GiftCard that was saved to your account?
Me: So somebody can fix the website for this bug
Me: No
Me: I have a lot
Me: For the rest of them, I luckily find the physical card and just place an
order to make sure nobody steal my cards
Cynthia: I understand. I will go ahead and get that $71.10 emailed to you
right away. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Me: Thanks:)