Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑 (转载)
Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑 (转载)# Stock
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发信人: lovefreedom (I am happy), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 3 18:40:25 2012, 美东)
发信人: killcnn (killcnn), 信区: Military
标 题: Oakland韩裔杀人因为英语烂被嘲笑
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 3 17:32:51 2012, 美东)
(CNN) -- The man accused of killing seven people execution-style at a small
religious college in Oakland, California, "does not appear to be remorseful
at all," the city's police chief said Tuesday.
Former student One Goh, 43, told authorities that he was upset about being
expelled from Oikos University this year, Police Chief Howard Jordan said.
He was angry with some administrators and students and said he had been "
picked on" and "wasn't treated fairly," Jordan said.
Investigators believe Goh walked into the single-story building housing the
university Monday morning, took a receptionist hostage and went looking for
a particular female administrator, who was not there, Jordan told CNN.
Goh took the woman into the classroom, but when he realized the
administrator was not there, he shot the secretary and ordered the students
to line up against the wall. Not all of them cooperated, Jordan said, and so
he began shooting.
Seven dead following university shooting
"I'm going to kill you all," the gunman said, according to CNN affiliate
"This was a calculated, cold-blooded execution in the classroom," Jordan
said. The suspect "just felt a certain urge to inflict pain on them," he
After the shooting, the man left the classroom, reloaded his semiautomatic
weapon and returned, firing into several classrooms, Jordan said.
He ended his rampage by driving off in a victim's car, police said. In all,
seven people were killed and three were wounded.
"This happened within minutes," Jordan said. "We don't think the victims had
any opportunity to resist, any opportunity to surrender."
The suspect was arrested a short time after the shooting, when he
surrendered to police at a grocery store in the Oakland suburb of Alameda,
Jordan said.
Goh offered no resistance when arrested, Jordan said, and was "very
cooperative, very matter-of-fact, very calm." Under questioning, Goh "
remembered very good details" about the incident, he said.
"He planned this several weeks in advance," Jordan told KTVU on Tuesday. "He
was so upset he went out and purchased a weapon and had every intent to
kill people yesterday."
Goh was "very distraught about the fact that he didn't speak very good
English and that people in the school, other students, made fun of him,"
Jordan told the station.
All three of those wounded were released from Oakland's Highland Hospital on
Monday night, spokeswoman Monique Binkley Smith said Tuesday.
The college caters to the Korean-American Christian community but also has
students from diverse backgrounds. It offers degrees in theology, music,
nursing and Asian medicine, according to its website.
Student's quick thinking saves class
The victims ranged in age from 21 to 40 and were from countries including
Korea, Nepal, Nigeria and the Philippines, Jordan said. With the exception
of the secretary, all the victims were students. Of those killed, six were
women and one was a man, but Jordan said investigators do not know whether
Goh was targeting women.
Student's quick thinking saves class
The details of the shooting surfaced early Tuesday as police interviewed Goh
. He "does not appear to be remorseful at all" and would not tell police
where they could find the weapon, Jordan said.
Investigators had narrowed their search for the gun and were combing a
shoreline park area Tuesday, police spokeswoman Johnna Watson told reporters.
Forensic investigators were still on the scene of the shooting Tuesday, she
said. Police plan to present the case to the district attorney for possible
charges sometime this week, she said.
"There are a lot of components to this investigation. ... We want to be very
thorough," she said.
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan condemned the violence.
"No American mayor wants to have this situation," she said. "It seems over
the last decade, we've gotten used to seeing senseless mass killings like
this, and we'll have to question the availability of guns and the need for
other services in our community."
Investigators have determined that the gun they believe Goh used was
obtained legally in California, but details about the weapon's purchase were
still under investigation, Watson said.
Art Richards videotaped the chaotic scene outside the college Monday. He
told CNN he was on his way to pick up a friend and thought the commotion was
caused by a car accident.
Then, he said, a woman emerged from bushes and told him she had been shot. "
I was kind of mind-boggled," he said, but the woman showed him her arm. "She
had a good little piece, a chunk of her arm, missing."
Police handcuffed one man outside the school, but the woman told authorities
he was not the shooter, Richards said.
"Right after that, close to seven, eight, nine shots rang out," he said. "
Everybody got down. The police took cover. We took cover."
A few minutes after that, the first body was brought out, he said. "They
were just pulling out bodies after bodies."
Jong Kim, a pastor who founded the school a decade ago, told the Oakland
Tribune that Goh was a former nursing student.
He was deeply in debt and had tens of thousands of dollars in tax liens,
including from the Internal Revenue Service, according to CNN affiliate KGO.
Goh's brother, a staff sergeant in the Army, died last year in a car
accident while training with the Special Forces, KGO said.
It wasn't immediately clear why Goh had been expelled from the college,
Jordan said, but, "We've been told that some of the possibilities are that
he was expelled for his behavioral problems, anger management, but nothing
KTVU reported Goh was an Oakland resident and a frequent visitor at Oakland'
s Westlake Christian Terrace senior housing, where his parents live.
"(He seemed) just like a really good kid, the kind of kid I want all my
residents here to have," Audrey Williams of Westlake Christian Terrace told
the station.
Goh was being held Tuesday in Alameda County's Santa Rita Jail pending an
initial appearance in court this week.
What is Oikos University?
Quan, Oakland's mayor, said most of the victims appeared to be from the city
's Korean-American community, and the city was working to find multilingual
counselors to help survivors.
A memorial service for the victims was scheduled Tuesday evening at the
Korean Methodist Church.
Community and faith leaders will attend, and they hope to develop a strategy
for dealing with the situation, said June Lee, executive director of the
Oakland-based Korean Community Center of the East Bay.
"We're looking for a way to help the families and the community that are
impacted by this incident," she said.
Civic and church leaders will try to come up with a community strategy to
deal with the tragedy, she said. But she stressed the importance of not
stigmatizing Koreans or Asians.
"This is all new to us. We don't want to stigmatize whatever the issue is. .
.. We need to identify the issues first," she said.