Weekly Market Review 201215
Weekly Market Review 201215# Stock
"Buy in April, Sell in May" isn't effective so far this year, stocks
continued to stay under water, where the S&P500 is returning -2.63% since
April started. On the other hand, the bond buyers are enjoying a cheerful
time with the weak economic releases recently, the Treasury yields curve
fell sharply where the 2yr and the 10yr went down 14bps and 37bps
respectively. Aside from the technical, first quarter corporate earnings are
reporting strong numbers as Alcoa, Google, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo were
all outpacing analysts' estimates on both EPS and revenues; stocks price
reactions were mainly positive, which should be a good sign for stock going
forward. Investors will continue to focus on more companies' earning
announces, also retail sales and the leading indicators are also important
on the economic front.
Technical Highlights:
• Stocks remained its downtrend; Positive corporate earnings
surprise may help the market to end this short-term correction.
• Market suffered from short-term bear cycle as both the S&P500 and
the NYSE Composite turned below their 50day moving average; Internal showed
sign of market bottom as the percentage of stocks above 50day moving average
are turning to its extreme.
• RSMC continued to rally along with market correction, however the
extreme have not appear yet to signal the change in trend.
• Financials led market selloff as the market neutral group (energy
and materials) made its biggest daily return this Thursday.
• Bonds are now back to the bullish trend as rates are now trading
below their 50day moving average across the entire yields curve.
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