Zynga And CBS Are Working To Bring Draw Something To Primetime TV
Zynga And CBS Are Working To Bring Draw Something To Primetime TV# Stock
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Zynga And CBS Are Working To Bring Draw Something To Primetime TV
RYAN LAWLERposted 35 mins ago Comments
So you wondered how Zynga was gonna make money off its $210 million
acquisition of OMGPOP? How about this: Hit game title Draw Something will
soon be at the center of a new primetime game show, according to a report by
Variety. The show’s pilot, which was picked up by CBS after an apparent
bidding war, will be produced by Sony Pictures Television, Ryan Seacrest
Productions, and Embassy Row.
The pilot concept will reportedly pit multiple celebrities and users against
each other in front of a studio audience, translating a game most people
play in their spare time while commuting or before bed into a hilarious new
game show. Viewers at home will also be able to play along with the folks on
TV, according to Variety.
Draw Something was the key piece of Zynga’s acquisition of OMGPOP earlier
this year. But traffic has plummeted ever since the deal closed, leading
some to question the wisdom of Zynga buying at what seems to be the game’s
Putting Draw Something on TV, and letting users interact with the on-air
players, is one way to resurrect interest in the game. That will also bring
a social element to the TV show, and could help boost ratings as users
interact with the program on their mobile phones and tablets.
Interestingly, CBS’ choice of shows — and the stars that appear on the
network — suggest a strong affinity toward Silicon Valley. It picked up ill
-fated comedy $#!% My Dad Says in 2010. And it aired a show called Friend Me
, which apparently is about friends who work for Groupon. And how could we
forget about the choice of Hollywood star and Valley investor Ashton Kutcher
to replace Charlie Sheen on Two And A Half Men — a role which Kutcher used
to promote various investments with startup stickers on his on-screen
Anyway, while the network has signed up for the pilot, it’s not clear how
soon the show would arrive on air. Variety notes that CBS has a full fall
lineup, although the game show could find its way to primetime mid-season if
the network has some cancellations.