bulls,have a look of this one
bulls,have a look of this one# Stock
Be careful when you think about picking up bargains
I don't completely agree with what said in the article. However, if it is
only partially true, bulls just watch your back.
This may explain why we saw a rebound at the end of market today.
Investors may not be offloading stocks merely because they worry that an
unresolved fiscal cliff could push the U.S. back into recession. Scheduled
to go into effect are increases in taxes on capital gains — profits from
how much stocks appreciate in value — and dividends. Many large
institutional investors are offloading shares before year's end to avoid
paying a higher tax bill in 2013, said Doug Cote, chief market strategist
for ING U.S. Investment Management in New York.
Dividend stocks already suffered a lot. the factor is mostly priced in. I
don't see more bad news.
This is not new information.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 l*****7 的大作中提到】
: Be careful when you think about picking up bargains
: I don't completely agree with what said in the article. However, if it is
: only partially true, bulls just watch your back.
: This may explain why we saw a rebound at the end of market today.
: Investors may not be offloading stocks merely because they worry that an
: unresolved fiscal cliff could push the U.S. back into recession. Scheduled
: to go into effect are increases in taxes on capital gains — profits from
: how much stocks appreciate in value — and dividends. Many large
: institutional investors are offloading shares before year's end to avoid

Interest read. What is the $spx target in your opinion? Thanks.

【在 l*****7 的大作中提到】
: Be careful when you think about picking up bargains
: I don't completely agree with what said in the article. However, if it is
: only partially true, bulls just watch your back.
: This may explain why we saw a rebound at the end of market today.
: Investors may not be offloading stocks merely because they worry that an
: unresolved fiscal cliff could push the U.S. back into recession. Scheduled
: to go into effect are increases in taxes on capital gains — profits from
: how much stocks appreciate in value — and dividends. Many large
: institutional investors are offloading shares before year's end to avoid

I am not buying any index until I see clear signal that it bounces back. It
is hard to tell, for now it is clearly bearish. But I would not bank on some
news reports to foresee any crashes...(but who knows?)
might look at some deeply under valued individual stocks

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 d****7 的大作中提到】
: Interest read. What is the $spx target in your opinion? Thanks.