花街是要开始炒Intel了还是搞Intel?# Stock
Intel inside the iPad? Maybe, if it builds iPhone chips, RBC says
RBC Capital Markets today says Intel may be willing to build Apple's ARM-
based chips for smartphones if Apple uses Intel chips in a device such as
the iPad. An industry source tells CNET that the two companies have been
talking on-and-off for the past couple years about a foundry relationship.
Apple is looking around for a new company to manufacture its smartphone
RBC Capital Markets has a new twist to the frequent Apple-Intel relationship
rumors, and this time, it could actually be good news for Intel.
According to RBC analyst Doug Freedman, Apple may be contemplating a new
relationship where Intel would build Apple's self-designed ARM-based
smartphone chips in exchange for Apple using Intel's X86 processors in
certain new devices, like the next-generation iPad.
While it may seem illogical for Apple to use different processors in its
mobile devices, that could be one way for it to secure enough capacity and
use chips on the leading edge of technology. After all, it already uses
Intel processors in its Macs. It also would help the electronics giant
reduce reliance on its previously close partner -- Samsung.
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"We believe Intel has the upper-hand due to the limitations of capacity at
alternative sources ... as the demand is outstripping Apple's ability to add
supply," Freedman said.
An industry source told CNET that Apple and Intel have been in talks on and
off for the past two years about a foundry relationship. But for Intel to
manufacture ARM-based chips, it would need a pretty big incentive, the
person said. Having its processors used in the iPad could be just enough to
make a foundry deal happen.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment. We've also reached out to Intel and
will update when we hear back.
Demand for Apple's smartphones and tablets has been rising so fast that it
has been hard for production to keep up. Intel, meanwhile, ships most of its
chips for use in PCs, a market that's expected to flounder. That means it
could have enough space in its factories to make some of Apple's chips.
In addition, it's no secret that Apple has been trying to find a new partner
to build its processors. Samsung has long been the company tasked with
manufacturing Apple's smartphone and iPad chips, but the relationship
between the two companies has frayed significantly in recent months. They've
been suing each other like crazy. At issue is control of the booming
smartphone and tablet markets, areas that are vital for continued growth at
electronics makers.
Apple, which also previously relied on Samsung to supply many other
components for its products, has been reducing its reliance on the company
in other areas, as well. The Cupertino, Calif., company has been sourcing
displays from companies like Sharp and LG, as one example.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., a contract chip manufacturer (all it
does is manufacture chips for other companies), has been viewed as the
leading contender for Apple's chip business. However, it has other clients
with pretty big demands of their own, and some of those companies, like
Nvidia, complained earlier this year about not receiving enough supply from
Intel, meanwhile, has dipped it toes into the foundry business, building
chips for a few small semiconductor makers. While it has said it has no
plans to become a full-blown foundry, it would consider bigger, strategic
relationships. Such a deal with Apple could be one of those.
Intel has long boasted that its manufacturing capability, a couple
generations ahead of the foundries, is one of its biggest advantages.
Apple, meanwhile, has invested heavily in developing its own chip designs
based on the non-Intel, ARM architecture to power its mobile devices,
including the iPhone and iPad. There was speculation earlier this month that
Apple was considering using its own chips in its computers, rather than
using processors from Intel in devices like the MacBook Air.

INTC 是到选择方向的时候了,底部突破没成功,形成双底

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