能不能给几个pre-er run 的pick?大新闻 Obama Said to Consider Fee on Banks to Trim Deficit (Update4) Share Business ExchangeTwitterFace大象系列之本周关注:28th Annual Healthcare Conference中国经济学家组团赴美给华尔街银行家上课 (转载)I thought 90% individual stocking ppl made moeny in 2009今天怎么奇技淫巧这么萎靡AA怎么操作呢?星期二的跌,本来是星期一的事AA is out. not bad猛哥估计会上来喊All in FAZwho believe the market is in the final stage of exhaustive run?才跌了这么点啊大象系列之版主手册:BBS常用指令符号介绍PMI暴摔10%大象系列之盘前动态:01/12 美铝财报令人失望,美股期指下跌(zt)10% Monthly Option Selling Thread[通知] Stock 举办博彩:周三大盘(DOW)涨跌Big boys are loading up today谁把AAPL砸下去中国企业在美国上市, 一年的费用大概要多少?