坑王,继续数# Stock
1 楼
Thank you for your email. While the owner of a copy of a legitimately made
or obtained copyrighted work is generally authorized to sell or otherwise
dispose that copy as they see fit, software is treated differently.
Software is not sold, it is licensed. Someone who purchases a software
license is not the owner of a particular copy of the software – they are
the owner of a license to use that copy of the software. Because the
purchaser of a software license does not own a particular copy of the
software, that purchaser does not have the right to sell or otherwise
dispose of that copy as they see fit – the right to control the
distribution and sale of the software remain with the software licensor.
We control the distribution and sale of our software by only expressly
allowing Adobe authorized resellers to sell licenses of Adobe software to
end users, and by only allowing those authorized resellers to obtain the
Adobe software from Adobe authorized distributors.
At this time, we do not believe that your business is formally authorized to
sell/license our software. Again, if you believe we are in error, please
respond with 1) your Adobe partner information, including your legal company
name and address (all partners are required to only sell/license under
their formal legal name as registered with Adobe); and 2) where you obtained
the Adobe products you are offering.
Thank you,
Adobe Online Enforcement Team
Thank you for your email. While the owner of a copy of a legitimately made
or obtained copyrighted work is generally authorized to sell or otherwise
dispose that copy as they see fit, software is treated differently.
Software is not sold, it is licensed. Someone who purchases a software
license is not the owner of a particular copy of the software – they are
the owner of a license to use that copy of the software. Because the
purchaser of a software license does not own a particular copy of the
software, that purchaser does not have the right to sell or otherwise
dispose of that copy as they see fit – the right to control the
distribution and sale of the software remain with the software licensor.
We control the distribution and sale of our software by only expressly
allowing Adobe authorized resellers to sell licenses of Adobe software to
end users, and by only allowing those authorized resellers to obtain the
Adobe software from Adobe authorized distributors.
At this time, we do not believe that your business is formally authorized to
sell/license our software. Again, if you believe we are in error, please
respond with 1) your Adobe partner information, including your legal company
name and address (all partners are required to only sell/license under
their formal legal name as registered with Adobe); and 2) where you obtained
the Adobe products you are offering.
Thank you,
Adobe Online Enforcement Team