Re: 纳税人的钱真好骗 (转载)
Re: 纳税人的钱真好骗 (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: ydjz (衣带渐窄), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: Re: 纳税人的钱真好骗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 18 23:07:18 2013, 美东)
revised plan继续圈钱~
"The DMV has struggled with technology upgrades in the past. The state spent
$50 million on a faulty project before it was scrapped by Gov. Pete Wilson
in 1994, sparking outrage and calls for better oversight."
California's computer problems, which have already cost taxpayers hundreds
of millions of dollars, have mounted as state officials cut short work on a
$208-million DMV technology overhaul that is only half done.
The decision is a setback for the Department of Motor Vehicles, which has a
history of such stumbles.
The state has spent $135 million total on the overhaul so far. DMV spokesman
Armando Botello said officials are not sure what the final price tag will
be now that the project's scope is being scaled back.
The state's contractor, HP Enterprise Services, has received nearly $50
million of the money spent on the project. Botello said the company will not
receive the remaining $26 million in its contract.
The DMV project began in 2006, according to the California Technology Agency
. Instead of using 40-year-old, "dangerously antiquated technology," DMV
staffers were supposed to get a modern, user-friendly system that minimized
the risk of "catastrophic failure," according to a DMV report on the project.
The contract was awarded in 2007 to the Texas-based Electronic Data Systems.
The company was later bought by Hewlett-Packard and renamed HP Enterprise
Services. Hewlett-Packard is now run by Meg Whitman, who during her failed
campaign for governor in 2010 promised to save California money with better
computer technology.
The project has been dogged by delays and faulty computer coding, according
to a December state report. The contractor has been unable to complete some
tasks and left critical positions vacant, the report said.
The project was canceled Jan. 31. California Technology Agency Secretary
Carlos Ramos said in a letter to lawmakers Tuesday that there were "
significant concerns with the lack of progress" on the system for
registering vehicles.
DMV Acting Director Jean Shiomoto said in a statement that a revised plan
would be developed for handling vehicle registrations.