万圣节信号灯# Stock
nvestors should strongly consider cutting their stock exposure this coming
May Day and parking the proceeds in cash until Halloween. 投资者应

That advice comes courtesy of a famous piece of Wall Street folklore that is
known by the adage 'sell in May and go away.' 这条建议其实源自于华尔街
一条广为流传的格言,即“五月清仓,离场观望”(sell in May and go away)。

Unlike most of the other stories investors tell, however, the historical
evidence in favor of this one is surprisingly strong. And deeper drilling
into the data suggests there are ways to tweak the approach so that you don'
t have to dump stocks entirely to capture some of the benefit. 然而,与

You might also know of the 'sell in May' pattern by its other name, the '
Halloween indicator.' Both refer to the pronounced tendency for the stock
market, on average, to turn in its best returns between Halloween and May
Day─referred to loosely as the 'winter' months. 你或许还知道“五月清仓
”模式的另一个别名──“万圣节信号灯”(Halloween indicator)。这两种说法指的

The stock market's average return during the other half of the year, the '
summer' months, is far lower. 而在另外半年,也就是“夏季月份”中,股票市

This pattern has been very much in evidence in recent years. Since the
seasonally favorable period began last Halloween, for example, the Dow Jones
Industrial Average has gained 11.5%. During last year's unfavorable six-
month period, by contrast, the Dow lost 0.9%. The year before that saw a 10.
5% gain during the winter months and a 6.7% loss during the summer months.
,道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average Index)截至目前已经上涨了11

To be sure, the pattern hasn't always worked out this well. But it has far
more often than not: Over the past 50 years, the Dow on average has produced
a gain of 7.5% during the winter months and lost 0.1% during the summer
months. 诚然,这种模式并非屡试不爽。但是它应验的时候远远多于失灵的时候:

The 'sell in May' pattern also exists in other countries besides the U.S.
Ben Jacobsen, a finance professor at Massey University in New Zealand,
reached that conclusion after studying all available historical evidence
from each of 108 separate stock markets around the world. For example, his
statistical tests detected the seasonal pattern in the United Kingdom stock
market as far back as 1694. “五月清仓”这一模式在美国以外的其他国家也有
体现。新西兰梅西大学(Massey University)的金融学教授本•雅各布森(Ben

Mr. Jacobsen, in an interview, emphasized that the Halloween Indicator isn't
merely the product of a shameless, after-the-fact data-mining exercise. He
said that he found an article as long ago as 1935─in the Financial Times─
in which the 'sell in May' pattern is referred to as something that was
already well known and followed. 雅各布森在一次接受采访时强调,“万圣节
1935年,《金融时报》(Financial Times)就有文章将“五月清仓”描述为人们已经熟

Even though the pattern nearly 80 years ago already had a solid historical
foundation, Mr. Jacobsen notes, since then the difference between the
average returns in winter and summer has become even bigger. 雅各布森指

This is a crucial point, he argues, since the all-too-usual tendency is for
patterns to begin to evaporate once investors become aware of them and try
to exploit them. 雅各布森主张,这一点至关重要,因为通常的情况是,一旦投

The most obvious investment implication of this seasonal pattern is to
liquidate your stock portfolios at the end of this month and sit comfortably
─if unexcitedly─in cash for six months. Because the stock market doesn't
always produce disappointing returns during the summer months, however, you
might want to dedicate just a portion of your equity portfolio to following
this market-timing strategy. 应对这种季节性模式最简单的方案就是:在本月

There might be another way to follow it without going to cash. Mr. Jacobsen
reports that the 'sell in May' seasonal pattern is most pronounced among
those U.S. stock-market sectors that focus on manufacturing and production,
and is 'almost absent' in sectors such as consumer goods, financial services
, technology and telecommunications. 或许还有另外一种办法能让你不必把股

He told me that a hypothetical sector-switching portfolio would have beaten
an index fund by 3.3 percentage points per year over the past decade by
investing during the winter months in the sectors for which the Halloween
Effect is strongest, and switching in the summer months into those for which
the pattern is nearly absent. 他对我说,如果我们重演这种板块转换的配置

Exchange-traded funds provide an easy and inexpensive way to gain exposure
to each of these sectors. IShares has offerings that are benchmarked to the
various Dow Jones indexes for these sectors: the iShares Dow Jones U.S.
Consumer Goods Sector Index Fund, the iShares Dow Jones U.S. Financial
Sector Index Fund, the iShares Dow Jones U.S. Technology Sector Index Fund
and the iShares Dow Jones U.S. Telecommunications Sector Index Fund. Each
has an expense ratio of 0.46%, or $46 for every $10,000 invested. 交易所
Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Goods Sector Index Fund)、安硕道琼斯美国金融业指数基
金(iShares Dow Jones U.S. Financial Sector Index Fund)、安硕道琼斯美国科技业
指数基金(iShares Dow Jones U.S. Technology Sector Index Fund)以及安硕道琼斯
美国电信业指数基金(iShares Dow Jones U.S. Telecommunications Sector Index

You also might not want to wait until May Day to make these portfolio
changes, according to Jeffrey Hirsch of the Almanac Investor Newsletter and
Sy Harding of Sy Harding Investor Forecasts. Both advisers, who are among
the many tracked by Hulbert Financial Digest, maintain a model portfolio
that attempts to exploit the 'sell In May' pattern. 《投资者通讯年鉴》(
Almanac Investor Newsletter)的杰弗里•赫希(Jeffrey Hirsch)及《赛•
哈丁投资者预测》(Sy Harding Investor Forecasts)的赛•哈丁(Sy Harding)称
了《赫伯特金融资讯解读》(Hulbert Financial Digest)的关注。

They argue that if the stock market's shorter-term trend turns down in the
weeks leading up to May Day, followers of this seasonal pattern should sell
immediately rather than waiting until the beginning of May. To the extent
they are successful, they will improve on the already stellar returns of the
original version of the 'sell In May' pattern. 他们指出,在五一劳动节到

The key, of course, is in correctly identifying that shorter-term trend. Mr.
Hirsch believes it already has turned down, and therefore has sold many of
the positions in his model 'sell in May' portfolio and instructed clients to
sell their remaining equity holdings if they fall very much from current
levels. 当然,其中的关键之处在于能够正确地识别市场的短线前景。赫希认为当

Mr. Harding, in contrast, is still giving equities the benefit of the doubt.
But he says that, as May Day approaches, he will be increasingly inclined
to sell at the first sign of market weakness.