Re: 苹果 必须要出 stream 才行 (转载)
Re: 苹果 必须要出 stream 才行 (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 Apple 讨论区 】
发信人: yyber (忍而不发), 信区: Apple
标 题: Re: 苹果 必须要出 stream 才行
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 15 13:07:01 2013, 美东)
Google Inc. said Wednesday it will launch add a paid streaming music service
to Google Music that would compete with Spotify.
Google, the world's No. 1 search engine, unveiled the All Access music
service at its annual developer conference. It said it will charge $9.99 per
month after a 30-day free trial, for the service that will work on
smartphones, tablets and Web browsers.
Spotify Premium costs $9.99 in the U.S.
A Google spokesman said Google's guidance and searchability is a key feature
of the service. Users can search for an artist, then choose to add tracks
to their library. There's also Listen Now, a mix of favorite artists, radio
stations automatically created and recently played tracks.
Google has signed licensing deals with Universal Music Group and Sony Music
Entertainment, whose catalogs include popular artists such as Rihanna and
Bob Dylan. A deal was struck earlier this year with Warner Music Group
Music streaming, or playing songs over the Internet, has in recent years
begun to come into its own as listeners increasingly choose to stream songs
from apps like Pandora or Spotify via their smartphones, rather than buy and
store individual tracks.
Apple Inc. is talking with music labels about tacking a subscription service
option onto iTunes, sources have told Reuters.
Shares of Pandora were down 2.7 percent at $16.30 in after hours trading on
Tuesday. Google shares were essentially unchanged at $888.98 in after hours