In Musk we Trust# Stock
Quora Topic:
Is Elon Musk the next Steve Jobs?
Read the responses to learn more about the person.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
After working directly for Elon Musk for 5 ½ years and having countless
hours of meetings with him – I am reasonably qualified to answer this
question. I was formerly Head of Talent Acq at SpaceX and working for Elon
has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, and one for
which I am deeply grateful.
Elon is without question one of the most brilliant, dynamic, and charismatic
people that I have ever met. It was an honor to build an effective working
partnership with him and help build one of the world’s most amazing
companies. I have recently read articles comparing him to Steve Jobs on a
regular basis, but in my humble opinion, Mr. Jobs in all his greatness has
nothing on Elon. Elon is Wernher von Braun, Howard Hughes, Henry Ford, Bill
Gates, Steve Jobs and every other badass all rolled into one.
He reads voraciously; he taught himself how to design, and build the world’
s most advanced rockets and spacecraft by reading books. Elon is an astute
student of history and has studied all the greats mentioned above and many
others, he combines their insights along with his own innate almost
unnatural talents.
Elon is a phenom, some sort of exceptional freak of nature. His mom Maye
Musk (a stunningly beautiful spokeswoman and professional speaker)
congratulated him on the recent successes with SpaceX and Tesla and in that
private conversation she said that his only response what that he was just
getting started. . . So again, a bet on Elon continuing to define #winning
is one I’m willing to make. Full disclosure, I am long Tesla, Solar City
and SpaceX
info 大牛这么牛啊,崇拜一下。看来Elon Mask 是绝世不出的英才。

After working directly for Elon Musk for 5 years and having countless
hours of meeting........

【在 S**Y 的大作中提到】
: After working directly for Elon Musk for 5 ½ years and having countless
: hours of meetings with him – I am reasonably qualified to answer this
: question. I was formerly Head of Talent Acq at SpaceX and working for Elon
: has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, and one for
: which I am deeply grateful.
: Elon is without question one of the most brilliant, dynamic, and charismatic
: people that I have ever met. It was an honor to build an effective working
: partnership with him and help build one of the world’s most amazing
: companies. I have recently read articles comparing him to Steve Jobs on a
: regular basis, but in my humble opinion, Mr. Jobs in all his greatness has

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