Bill passed Both House and senate
Bill passed Both House and senate# Stock
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Updated 10:19 p.m. The U.S. Congress passed a last-minute deal Wednesday
night to avert a damaging debt default and to reopen the government after a
more than two-week shutdown. President Barack Obama is expected to sign the
bill momentarily.
The U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the bill shortly after 10 p.
m. with 285 members voting for the legislation and 143 opposing it. The
Senate passed the same bill 81 to 18 shortly after 8 p.m.
"I want to thank the leaders of both parties for getting us to this point,"
Obama said shortly after the Senate vote. "Once this agreement arrives on my
desk, I will sign it immediately. We'll begin reopening our government
immediately, and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty and unease
from our businesses and from the American people."
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was also pleased.
"We welcome the bipartisan action Congress is taking to resolve this crisis,
" Lew said in a statement late Wednesday. "At the same time, we remain
committed to reaching agreement on a balanced fiscal package that will
create jobs, grow our economy, and put us on a path toward long-term fiscal
sustainability. Without question, it will require difficult choices."
While the deal in Congress is a temporary solution that sets up another
showdown early next year, Wall Street reacted positively.
Major U.S. stock indexes rose more than 1 percent Wednesday on optimism that
lawmakers were finally reaching a deal to end the 16 day fiscal impasse. U.
S. stock futures also rose in after-hours trading.
(Read more: El-Erian: What follows this Congressional deal?)
Earlier Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the top Democrat, and
Republican leader Mitch McConnell announced an agreement after days of
bickering. Key Republican opponents Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and House
Speaker John Boehner said they would not block the deal.
Cruz nonetheless called the deal "terrible" shortly before voting no. "The
fight against Obamacare must continue in the face of Washington's apathy,"
he said.
Weeks of bitter fighting among Democrats and Republicans over President
Obama's signature healthcare reform law led to a partial government shutdown
on Oct. 1, sidelining hundreds of thousands of federal workers. Cruz and
other Republicans backed by the conservative, small government Tea Party
movement want to repeal or delay the healthcare law.
The initial fight over healthcare turned into a bigger argument over the
debt ceiling, threatening a default that would have reverberations around
the world.
The Club for Growth, a conservative advocacy group that backs lower
government spending, urged the Senate and House to vote "no" on a deal.
(Read more: CNBC explains the debt ceiling)
"If we don't get a default, it would be like Y2K. People were staying up all
night worried about what would happen during that deadline. Then nothing
happened," said David Keeble, global head of interest rate strategy with
Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank in New York, referring to
worries about the millennium computer bug in 2000.
Senator John McCain, whose fellow Republicans triggered the crisis with
demands that President Barack Obama's signature "Obamacare" healthcare law
be defunded, said on Wednesday the deal marked the "end of an agonizing
odyssey" for Americans.
"It is one of the most shameful chapters I have seen in the years I've spent
in the Senate," said McCain, who had repeatedly warned Republicans not to
link their demands for Obamacare changes to the debt limit or government
spending bill.
Lawmakers were racing against time. While analysts and U.S. officials say
the government will still have roughly $30 billion in cash to pay many
obligations for at least a few days after Oct. 17, the financial sector may
begin to seize up if the deal is not finalized in both chambers.
"Today is definitely not the day to be conducting any serious business as
traders across the globe will be hypnotized by their TVs/terminals and
anxiously waiting for something to hit the news wires," Jonathan Sudaria, a
trader at Capital Spreads in London, wrote in a client note Wednesday.
Fitch Ratings has said it could cut the U.S. sovereign credit rating from
AAA, citing the political brinkmanship over raising the debt ceiling.
The deal that emerged on Wednesday basically give Obama what he has demanded
for months: A straight-forward debt limit hike and government funding bill.
The deal extended U.S. borrowing authority until Feb. 7, although the
Treasury Department would have tools to temporarily extend its borrowing
capacity beyond that date if Congress failed to act early next year. It
would also fund government agencies until Jan. 15.
The deal includes some income verification procedures for those seeking
subsidies under the healthcare law, but Republicans surrendered on their
attempts to include other changes, including the elimination of a medical
device tax used to help pay for it.
The budget deadlock led to federal agency shutdowns at the beginning of the
fiscal year on Oct. 1 as Obama and his fellow Democrats stood firm against
changing the healthcare law.
Uncertainty over the shutdown and the debt ceiling have already taken a toll
on the economy and on confidence in U.S. assets.
Richard Fisher, the hawkish president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,
told Reuters on Tuesday that "reckless" U.S. fiscal policy will likely
force the Federal Reserve to stand pat on monetary policy this month rather
than reducing bond purchases the central bank has used to help support the