天然气的生产商开始动了。 我对它的基本面的分析# Stock
1 楼
今年美国创历史记录的冬天把积累3-4年的 NG(natural gas) 库存都用光了。
而且这库存不会回来,因为这2-3年低价的 NG使得很多厂商把很多 high cost
的气田/井都关了/封了。美国 NG 最低价曾经到过 $2 以下。很多厂的开采成本是
高于$4-5. Baker Hughes 可以查到 US NG rig count. It's 351 now vs 600 in 2012
, and 1600 in 2008.
美国政府已批准天然气的出口,小日本的核电厂,中国空气的严重污染 会使中国/日本
的 NG 进口会大量增加。亚洲 NG 价是北美的4倍,欧洲是3倍。
日本现在已是亚洲的最大进口国。 日本到现在还没有完全处理好核电水泄漏的问题。
日本国内已有人在说这样的泄漏会引起整个日本国家/民族的长期的存亡。 日本会
减少核发电,进口更多的 NG来发电。 太阳能还是有太多的局限。
所以天然气的价格再也不会低于$3. 甚至 $4(今年) 现在天然气公司的股票还没动,
是因为它们的赢利暂时不会有提高,它们都被长期的合同价($3-4) 绑着,
但过3-6个月后,新的合同价就会提高至少 $1 左右。这是纯利的提高。
我买了PWE(今天上 $8了), 因为价低,跌无可跌(I am a value investor)。
The low stock price is caused by the mis-management of
previous management team. Its price to book ratio is less than 0.5.
PWE has about 40% production is from NG, 70% of NG production
is locked to the contract price.
The new management team long term focus is on light oil. However, the high
NG price will help the value of its NG related assets. They can sell NG
related assets at higher price than original expected.
One relevant news. Yesterday a Chinese gold retailer bought an Texas oil and
gas energy firm. Google search this news.
"China's Goldleaf Jewelry to Buy Texas Energy Firm ERG"
而且这库存不会回来,因为这2-3年低价的 NG使得很多厂商把很多 high cost
的气田/井都关了/封了。美国 NG 最低价曾经到过 $2 以下。很多厂的开采成本是
高于$4-5. Baker Hughes 可以查到 US NG rig count. It's 351 now vs 600 in 2012
, and 1600 in 2008.
美国政府已批准天然气的出口,小日本的核电厂,中国空气的严重污染 会使中国/日本
的 NG 进口会大量增加。亚洲 NG 价是北美的4倍,欧洲是3倍。
日本现在已是亚洲的最大进口国。 日本到现在还没有完全处理好核电水泄漏的问题。
日本国内已有人在说这样的泄漏会引起整个日本国家/民族的长期的存亡。 日本会
减少核发电,进口更多的 NG来发电。 太阳能还是有太多的局限。
所以天然气的价格再也不会低于$3. 甚至 $4(今年) 现在天然气公司的股票还没动,
是因为它们的赢利暂时不会有提高,它们都被长期的合同价($3-4) 绑着,
但过3-6个月后,新的合同价就会提高至少 $1 左右。这是纯利的提高。
我买了PWE(今天上 $8了), 因为价低,跌无可跌(I am a value investor)。
The low stock price is caused by the mis-management of
previous management team. Its price to book ratio is less than 0.5.
PWE has about 40% production is from NG, 70% of NG production
is locked to the contract price.
The new management team long term focus is on light oil. However, the high
NG price will help the value of its NG related assets. They can sell NG
related assets at higher price than original expected.
One relevant news. Yesterday a Chinese gold retailer bought an Texas oil and
gas energy firm. Google search this news.
"China's Goldleaf Jewelry to Buy Texas Energy Firm ERG"