3 楼
我有 C 和 BAC,但你所说的价在明年4-5月会到,今年不会的。
When US government approves C and BAC return more capital to share holders,
then C should be over $60 and BAC could be over $20.
When US government approves C and BAC return more capital to share holders,
then C should be over $60 and BAC could be over $20.
小宝呢,说说APA现在能买吗不错 最近菠菜很给力尼玛,就涨一天就翘尾巴了?new bet, touch 1280 1st vs 1480 1st炒股的层次I just saw goog 666.66. LOL小小人你的APA跑了没有?Zillow 底部确认了Dow 15000 soon?我随便推荐一下HUM吧。大家都去买CLF的put,齐心协力把这个sucker空到零最好做的股就是 homebuilder 了HPQ是个好公司麻油兔的ANR快出水了namur打着保护青蛙的口号攻击紫晶Bot 300 shares of HPQ in PreMarket我只是好赌的笨青蛙,根本没有和谁过不去。支持紫金 冲 S&P 1500版主说了“年底前1500可能性极低。能站稳到1430就是极大的胜利了。"祖国祖国我们爱你 (转载)