伊朗要派兵了 卧槽
伊朗要派兵了 卧槽# Stock
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
仔细一看 伊朗已经派了 看来伊朗以后就是中东一霸了
BEIRUT—The threat of Sunni extremists eclipsing the power of its Shiite-
dominated Arab ally presents Iran with the biggest security and strategic
challenge it has faced since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
With the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, an offshoot of al Qaeda, rapidly
gaining territory, Iran deployed Revolutionary Guards units to Iraq,
according to Iranian security officials.
Iran has invested considerable financial, political and military resources
over the past decade to ensure Iraq emerged from U.S. war as a strategic
partner for the Islamic Republic and a strong Shiite-led state. The so-
called Shiite crescent—stretching from Iran to Iraq, Lebanon and Syria—was
forged largely as a result of this effort.
Two Guards' units, dispatched from Iran's western border provinces on
Wednesday, were tasked with protecting Baghdad and the holy Shiite cities of
Karbala and Najaf, these security sources said.
The involvement of Iran would pose yet another security challenge for the
White House, and raises the prospect of the U.S. and Iran fighting on the
same side. The U.S. opposes Iran's support for Syrian President Bashar al-
Assad, but with Tehran is jointly supporting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-
State Department officials on Thursday refused to outline what steps the
Obama administration would take if Iranian forces entered Iraq.
Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said American diplomats who met with Iranian officials
in Geneva this week to discuss Tehran's nuclear program didn't raise the
issue of the Iraqi crisis.
"We've encouraged them to play a constructive role in Iraq," Ms. Psaki said
about the Iranians.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, reached by phone in London, said of
the report that Iran's Revolutionary Guards were entering the fight: "
Frankly I have no idea about that. I am in London now."
Syria's conflict has turned Iraq into an important operational base for Iran
to aid another ally, the Assad regime, which is dominated by an offshoot of
Shiite Islam. Shiite militia trained by Iran, weapons and cash have flowed
from Iran to Syria via Iraq.
"Iraq is viewed as a vital priority in Iran's foreign policy in the region
and they go to any length to protect this interest," said Roozbeh
Miribrahimi, an independent Iran expert based in New York.
Iran has also positioned troops on full alert along its border with Iraq and
has given clearance to its air force to bomb ISIS rebel forces if they come
within about 60 miles of Iran's border, according to an Iranian army
The two IRGC battalions that moved to Iraq on Wednesday were shifted from
the Iranian border provinces of Urumieh and Lorestan, the Iranian security
officials said.
Revolutionary Guards units that serve in Iran's border provinces are the
most experienced fighters in guerrilla warfare because of separatist ethnic
uprisings in those regions. IRGC commanders dispatched to Syria also often
come from those provinces as well.
Iran was also considering the transfer to Iraq of Shiite volunteer troops in
Syria, if the initial deployments fail to turn the tide of battle in favor
of Mr. Maliki's government, the Iranian security officials said.
At stake for Iran in Iraq's current tumult isn't only the survival of a
Shiite political ally in Baghdad, but the safety of Karbala and Najaf, which
along with Mecca and Medina are sacred to Shiites world-wide."The more
insecure and isolated Maliki becomes, the more he will need Iran. The growth
of ISIS presents a serious threat to Iran. So it would not be surprising to
see the Guards become more involved in Iraq," said Alireza Nader, a senior
policy analyst at the Rand Corp.
A spokesman for the militant group ISIS, Abu Mohamad al-Adnani, urged the
group's Sunni fighters to march toward the "filth-ridden" Karbala and "the
city of polytheism" Najaf, where they would "settle their differences" with
Iraq's Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
That coarsely worded threat further vindicated Iran's view that the fight
unfolding in Iraq is an existential sectarian battle between the two rival
sects of Islam-Sunni and Shiite—and by default a proxy battle between their
patrons Saudi Arabia and Iran.
"Until now we haven't received any requests for help from Iraq. Iraq's army
is certainly capable in handling this," Iran's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Marzieh Afgham said Wednesday.
Iranian President Hasan Rouhani cut short a religious celebration on
Thursday and said he had to attend an emergency meeting of the country's
National Security Council about events in Iraq.
"We, as the Islamic Republic of Iran, won't tolerate this violence and
terrorism…. We will fight and battle violence and extremism and terrorism
in the region and the world," he said in a speech.
ISIS's rapid territorial gains in the past few days appeared to have caught
Iranian officials by surprise and opened a debate within the regime over
whether Iran should publicly enter the battle.
Iran's chief of police, Esmail Ahmadi-Moghaddam said the National Security
Council would consider intervening in Iraq to "protect Shiite shrines and
cities," according to Iranian media.
In the short-term, analysts said the outcome of the crisis in Iraq will only
strengthen and increase the influence of Iran and the Revolutionary Guards.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

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