THLD Initiated by Analysts at Brean Capital
THLD Initiated by Analysts at Brean Capital# Stock
Equities researchers at Brean Capital assumed coverage on shares of
Threshold Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:THLD) in a research report issued on
Tuesday. The firm set a “buy” rating and a $15.00 price target on the
stock. Brean Capital’s price target would indicate a potential upside of
265.85% from the stock’s previous close.
Separately, analysts at Zacks upgraded shares of Threshold Pharmaceuticals
from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note on Tuesday,
April 29th.
Shares of Threshold Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:THLD) traded down 0.49% on
Tuesday, hitting $4.08. The stock had a trading volume of 346,672 shares.
Threshold Pharmaceuticals has a one year low of $3.51 and a one year high of
$6.05. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $3.97 and its 200-day moving
average is $4.46. The company’s market cap is $242.1 million.
Threshold Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:THLD) last announced its earnings results
on Thursday, May 1st. The company reported ($0.12) EPS for the quarter,
missing the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of ($0.10) by $0.02. Analysts
expect that Threshold Pharmaceuticals will post $-0.51 EPS for the current
fiscal year.
Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc is a biotechnology company focused on the
discovery and development of drugs targeting the microenvironment of solid
tumors and the bone marrows of some hematologic malignancies (NASDAQ:THLD)
as treatments for patients living with cancer.