Stock Research Group invites a PHP programmer (转载)
Stock Research Group invites a PHP programmer (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: finProf (finProf), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Stock Research Group invites a PHP programmer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 12 16:13:56 2014, 美东)
A well-known finance researcher leading a small group conducting stock
market research.
The research direction is to discover major future stock movements (such as
merger and acquisition) by pinpointing advanced insider trades.
Significant successes have been made at this time through 8 years of
research. The group is expected to grow into a financial firm.
We are looking for one or two PHP programers who can work with large stock
market data. Knowledge of stock/option trading is a plus but not necessary.
You are expected to invest a lot of private time, and finish a significant
amount of PhP programming within a short time-frame.
We are located in San Francisco bay area (near Milpitas).
Please send a private message to this MITBBS account with
(1) a brief intro of educational background,
(2) programing experience with PHP/MYSQL,
(3) knowledge on stock/option market.
We can only invite one person or at most two people to join us. Your
understanding is deeply appreciated if we could not get back to you soon.