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time valuation etc.
there are lots of ingredients for options.
for example, IBM dropped today (dividend makes it green) but the call
options go up a bit
there are lots of ingredients for options.
for example, IBM dropped today (dividend makes it green) but the call
options go up a bit
Black Friday 最好的deal 在股市有人研究AVNR吗?GILD今天收绿的话Ready for Dec?DOW turns red in the last few minBrent 绿了!美帝真是幸运哪位知道tdameritrade里面怎么time stamp贴交易啊?包子相送。转---油价下跌风暴将颠覆全球格局 (转载)Game over 油股 -- ICHAN 要哭死了看到有些网友把自己的辛苦钱耗在了SDRL 上今天是不是开半天?SLB, 不幸言中不知道这样的俱乐部有人感兴趣不死定了Re: Wilson警察暴力执法的悲哀 (转载)其实沙特这次搞的主要还是美国贝页岩石油公司常在河边走哪有不湿鞋??Some people just don't care'bout dinner tonite挣钱了 改吃鸡了