what a crazy world -- Texas woman sues
what a crazy world -- Texas woman sues# Stock
Woman sues owners of dog killed by her pit bulls
Associated Press
TEXAS CITY, Texas (AP) — A Texas woman whose four pit bulls entered her
neighbors' yard through a hole in the fence and killed their 10-year-old
beagle is suing them for $1 million.
Emerald White says in her lawsuit filed this week in Galveston County
district court that she was "seriously injured" on Oct. 27 trying to stop
the attack and retrieve her dogs. She says she suffered "multiple serious
bite and scratch-type injuries" and accuses her neighbors of failing to
securely confine and restrict their dog, Bailey.
White also contends she's feeling "conscious pain and suffering and now
suffers also from fear, anxiety and trepidation."
Bailey's owner, Steve Baker, told The Galveston County Daily News ) that everyone was telling him to sue White but that he didn't because it wouldn't bring Bailey back and the police declared her dogs dangerous.
"The police took the action I wanted and declared those dogs dangerous and
awareness was raised, so I decided to let it go," Baker said. "Now they're
suing me for $1 million — I just can't believe it."
Each of the animals must be registered with Texas City annually as a
dangerous dog. A sign must be posted in White's yard alerting residents of
the danger and she must have a $100,000 liability on the dogs, according to
police. A fence at least 6 feet high must also be installed.
Baker said that not long before the incident he had worked to replace parts
of the current fence to make it more secure and safe for his dog and family.
The paper says White's attorney didn't respond to calls seeking comment.
Information from: The Galveston County Daily News,
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L. 1 hour ago
Okay, let me get this straight. Her dogs managed to get into the
neighbors yard, because they were not contained and secured- like she thinks
her neighbors dog should have been- and in the middle of her four dogs
attacking one dog, she was injured - which I'm sure didn't come from the
singular beagle but from the four - which are her dogs. And now she is
suffering as a result of her animals causing the death of another animal in
its own yard... this woman is freaking insane.
Expand Replies (15) Reply
Jack 11 minutes ago
She's a nut case and will lose her suit. The defendant should
counter-sue immediately. He can collect a tidy sum from her. Two questions 1
. If the fence was between their properties , she is equally resp. for the
fence. 2. If her dogs enter another place outside their yard then why did
she not have control of them?
[brian h]
brian h 3 hours ago
This lady is freaking crazy.
1) The dog was in IT’S yard when it was killed.
2) It was HER 4 pit bulls that killed the other dog.
3) She was injured by HER own Pit Bulls in the first place. She should
of had control of her dogs in the first place. If she couldn’t handle it
then that woman should never have had 4 pit bulls in the first place.
4) HER dogs are the ones that the police have declared dangerous.
This guy was an idiot for not suing White in the first place. The judge
should throw this lawsuit out.
Expand Replies (84) Reply
Yvonne 3 hours ago
That neighbor woman is a dispicable piece of garbage. Mr. Barker,
countersue the woman and ask for punitive damages. Her lawsuit has no merit
and is based in malice and greed. She claims that you did not take adequate
precautions to confine Bailey. Clearly you did take adequate precautions
because your geriatric docile small dog did, in fact, remain within your
fenced in yard. She is the one who did not secure her numerous, large, young
vicious dog pack by securing her own yard. And if anyone suffered pain and
suffering it was the entire Baker family knowing that their sweet docile
geriatric dog suffered a horrible death outnumbered and ripped apart by a
considerably larger, stronger vicious pack of bully breed dogs. Now please
Mr. Baker sue the #$%$ off of this miserable person. It's her fault her dogs
turned out like killing machines and it's her fault they wrongfully tresp#$
%$ed into your private property and horribly ripped to shreds your poor
sweet docile geriatric beagle in his own home
Expand Replies (35) Reply
[Brer Froggy]
Brer Froggy 5 hours ago
The judge should toss this one, and then cite her for filing a frivolous
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[Cambridge Rat Mom]
Cambridge Rat Mom 5 hours ago
Ah, yes, the American way. Don't take responsibility for your behavior.
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Commenter 3 hours ago
The owner of the pit bulls should be fined ONE MILLION dollars for
submitting a frivolous and aggregeous law suit as well as her attorney
suspended for retaining a case without meit AND the money should THEN be
awarded to the perons whose dog was killed for their LOSS and pain and
suffering!! Something NEEDS to be done with IDIOTS who will USE the system
and truly believe that anyone with a brain cell will buy that SHE has a
right to compensation for owning vicious animals that she carelessly allowed
to murder a neighbors pet?? If she was injured she was injured by her own
vicious animals which is even MORE reason they should be put down and she
made to compensate the innocent neighbor.
Expand Replies (30) Reply
BigAppleGuy 5 hours ago
I'm sure this crazy women will now be counter-sued by her previously non
-litigious neighbor. Pet owners who don't take proper responsibility and
precautions for their animals should be barred from obtaining pet licenses
and owning pets of any kind.
Galveston 一个烂地方,
Texas City

【在 W***n 的大作中提到】
: Woman sues owners of dog killed by her pit bulls
: Associated Press
: TEXAS CITY, Texas (AP) — A Texas woman whose four pit bulls entered her
: neighbors' yard through a hole in the fence and killed their 10-year-old
: beagle is suing them for $1 million.
: Emerald White says in her lawsuit filed this week in Galveston County
: district court that she was "seriously injured" on Oct. 27 trying to stop
: the attack and retrieve her dogs. She says she suffered "multiple serious
: bite and scratch-type injuries" and accuses her neighbors of failing to
: securely confine and restrict their dog, Bailey.
