2 楼
原来你也在问。共同研究。你对max pain有啥感觉?
3 楼
max pain只能做个参考,不能拿它来当主要指标
随着oe临近,max pain也会慢慢移向股票当前价格
随着oe临近,max pain也会慢慢移向股票当前价格
4 楼
It depends if u believe pple can actually manipulate the mkt, even in the
short term.
My gut feeling is that it may work on some individual stock but definitely
not index and index related etf.
That said option writers tend to be pro so in the long run they probably
will win over those whose buying it.
But for me, I just don't buy this theory at all
short term.
My gut feeling is that it may work on some individual stock but definitely
not index and index related etf.
That said option writers tend to be pro so in the long run they probably
will win over those whose buying it.
But for me, I just don't buy this theory at all
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