Okumus Capital# Stock
Count of distinct funds: 3
Capital base: ~$335M at peak in hedge funds
Loss: down to ~$50M AUM in hedge fundsi; 5-42% NAV losses
Per the above FinAlternatives coverage:
Okumus Capital, a $989 million hedge fund shop, is shuttering its hedge fund
and long-only offerings, FINalternatives has learned.
The New York-based firm’s trio of hedge funds and its long-only fund have
been burned by the financial crisis this year.
According to public data on its offerings, the $30.8 million Okumus
Opportunity Partners, $19.2 million Okumus Diversified Value Partners and $2
.5 million Okumus Technology Value Partners are down 42.8%, 23.83% and 5.3%,
respectively, through October. Its Long-Only Partners Fund is down 15.02%.
While it would seem based on the above that the hedge portion of Okumus'
offerings is less than $50M and wouldn't make our $100M cutoff for listing,
a June 2006 Morningstar profile on Okumus states that the outfit had about $
335M under management in its hedge funds (concentrated in the Opportunity
fund) at the point the long-only fund had just opened. Thus, it would seem
in addition to dramatic declines in NAV, Okumus has experienced declines in
AUM in the ballpark of 75% or more. That would solidly qualify them for our
"implode" ranking.
The Morningstar article states that Okumus is value-centric (including,
notably, financials), and makes extensive use of out-of-the-money PUTs (
which sometimes accounted for most of the fund's returns in years past).
The Hedge Fund Journal has an article on Okumus from April 2007 entitled The
best equity hedge manager in America in the long term? The article states:
Being prepared to argue with markets (positions not paying off and adding to
losers) and then receiving a big payoff in returns as the markets recognise
the value, usually generates a lumpy pattern of return to value investors.
Often a fund run by a deep value investor will have months of dull returns,
then a spectacular phase of returns as the market comes into gear for their
It appears that given withdrawals, this time Okumus could not stay solvent
longer than the market was "irrational". This may have combined with a
continued strategy of OOM PUTs at a time when the market was falling
catastrophically, and generally staying down. It is hard to say without
seeing a post-mortem of portfolio holdings.
Okumus was founded in 1997.
Market Wizards: Jack D. Schwager
In 1989, he immigrated to the United States, ostensibly to attend college
but with the firm conviction that this was just a stepping-stone to his true
career objective. Using a $15,000 stake from his mother, Okumus began
trading U.S. stocks in 1992. This original investment had mushroomed to over
$6 million by early 2000, an average annual compounded return of 107% (
gross returns). In 1997, he launched his first hedge fund, the Okumus
Opportunity Fund.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hedge Fund Okumus Capital Shuts Down
One of the funds we had planned on covering in our hedge fund portfolio
tracking series has unfortunately shut down. Okumus Capital, the $990
million group of hedge funds founded by Ahmet Okumus in 1997 has confirmed
it is shutting down its funds, as reported by FinAlternatives. Okumus'
Opportunity fund had seen 35% gains net per year since inception, but came
upon rough waters this year, being down 42.8% as of October. Ahmet was the
largest investors in the funds, as he was over 20% of firm assets. His deep
value, security analysis stock picking style had gained him much notoriety
due to his solid performance and he was featured in Jack Schwager's book
Market Wizards.
Posted date: October 20, 2014 03:12:07 PM
“Young Turk” Okumus Sits Atop Hedge Fund Leaderboard
A “young Turk,” as Forbes magazine once called him, has taken the lead in
the HSBC hedge fund sweepstakes.
Ahmet Okumus, who knew as a young trader hanging out at the Istanbul stock
exchange he wanted to be a hedge fund trader, is atop the leader HSBC hedge
fund leader board. Okumus Opportunistic Value Fund, LTD Class C, is on top
of the HSBC HedgeWeekly report, besting Pershing Square after the Bill
Ackman-led fund launched an initial public offering and his stock price has
At what price was Amazon trading when you went short?
I didn’t actually go short. I sold out-of-the-money call options.
How much did you sell the options for?
I sold them for 1 Vs, but there were only three days left until expiration.
I figured the stock was not going to go up 15 percent in three days. The day
after I went short, one of the prominent analysts for the stock revised his
price projection, which had already been surpassed by the market, from $150
to $400. Overnight, the stock moved from 220 to 260, and one day later it
nearly reached 300. The options I had sold for l’/8 were selling for 48. [
Options trade in 100-shareunits. Therefore, each option he had sold for $112
was now worth $4,800.]
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