2 楼
S - 03:02:33
Sold 3000s @ $3.9434 - Total: $11,822.64
Sold 3000s @ $3.9434 - Total: $11,822.64
3 楼
4 楼
5 楼
Sprint (NYSE:S) has jumped this hour, up 3.7%, on talk that a discussed
merger between Dish Network and T-Mobile (NYSE:TMUS) is stalling out on
concerns about valuation and structure, Bloomberg is saying.A plan to merge
Sprint and T-Mobile had faded last year on regulatory concerns, and since
then T-Mobile has been linked to a number of players in the industry.Many
Sprint investors are calling for a new look at a Sprint/T-Mobile merger,
considering the gap between the two and U.S. industry leaders AT&T and
merger between Dish Network and T-Mobile (NYSE:TMUS) is stalling out on
concerns about valuation and structure, Bloomberg is saying.A plan to merge
Sprint and T-Mobile had faded last year on regulatory concerns, and since
then T-Mobile has been linked to a number of players in the industry.Many
Sprint investors are calling for a new look at a Sprint/T-Mobile merger,
considering the gap between the two and U.S. industry leaders AT&T and
怎么没有水我靠,油工被抓了!!!现在用什么SHORT 大盘最好?牛牛小心了。 我也做牛了。哪位大侠所在城市有30度以下(最高气温)请跟帖说一声shorting the market now配股缴款--如何操作?分享青蛙经验 如何赚钱!Re: 我是禽兽,我以后怎么面对我师兄呀! (转载)明天开市否?太狠了,要变红吗今天油大,何时上飞机?今天净赚 1.2k so far (cash already)再发个美女大家看看哈抄底了今天没比赛了把?经济的高增长为什么没有带来股市的大牛市?(ZZ)感觉德国打剩下几个都是切菜。。。 (转载)美国大批削减公职岗位 90万人恐怕将难保铁饭碗(图)这个信息是啥意思?