较真? 我就随便看了看自己感兴趣的TLT和GLD 发现你的预测和走势完全相反 刚才又给你增加了一个点击 从7月1号看起 算算你过去一个月的准确率 才看了两个 就发现根本看不下去 7/1 WYNN 103 Prediction: 95 Wrong. WYNN bottomed at 102, and went to 112 next day. Credit: 4 weeks later WYNN briefly dipped to 96, and then closed at 103 today. 7/1 SCO 61 (这个是short oil的ETF) Prediction: Wall street is long Oil. Buy as much as you can. Wrong. SCO went to 90 today. Wall street short oil to death this past 4 weeks. 还要争论吗?