2 楼
IT service having problem catching up with cloud service. Less and less
service and support need except the cloud companies.
Imagine all these OS, webserver, DB, CRM are all cloud applications, where
is IBM's service going to get their customer?
service and support need except the cloud companies.
Imagine all these OS, webserver, DB, CRM are all cloud applications, where
is IBM's service going to get their customer?
请大家为我祈祷最近几天dust和Ugaz的成交量好大Fidelity怎么把股票卖掉,转到海外的账户股票没有买卖还是要交税?bloomberg terminal哭死我的CONNDay trade (PDT) 是跟人还是跟account哪里可以查到某一ETF的历史净资产吗?奔跑吧 原油!buy ugaz and uco next Monday morning昨天晚上做了一个梦,不知同股市有没有关系?还有三个robinhood邀请来来来,开赌了春节效应致大盘上涨无力全仓xop xle 长期call古板新一届股神…菜鸟问:这里股票每日涨跌不设限啊radio shack破产了,它的股票会怎样?今天咋没人嚎叫耶尔普了?新手求advice,各位高手能分享一下你们的exit strategy么?