科普一下什么是 Volume Index (VI)
科普一下什么是 Volume Index (VI)# Stock
What is the volume Index (VI) formula and how is it calculated?
The trade volume index (TVI) measures the amount of money flowing in and out
of a security or the market. The TVI depends on the direction of the
security and whether securities are accumulated or distributed. The TVI
generally uses a security's intraday price data.
To calculate the TVI, the minimum tick value of the security must be known.
Next, the change in price must be calculated by subtracting the last price
from the most current price. Then, the direction must be determined. If the
change in the security's price is greater than the minimum tick value, the
security is in an accumulation period. If the change in the security's price
is less than the minimum tick value, the security is in a distribution
period. If the change is less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to,
the minimum tick value, the security's direction is the same as the last
When the direction is determined, the TVI can be calculated. If the security
is in accumulation, the current TVI is the previous trade volume index plus
the current day's volume. Conversely, if the security is in distribution,
the TVI is the previous trade volume index less the current day's volume.
The TVI can be used to indicate buying or selling pressure within a security
. Say, for example, the changes in the prices of the security are greater
than the minimum tick value and have been rising over a six-hour period.
This signals traders and investors are accumulating the security and buying
at the ask. This can be interpreted as bullish activity and may signal the
security could increase in price due to the buying pressure.
Read more: What is the Trade Volume Index (TVI) formula and how is it
calculated? | Investopedia
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