BABA ER# Stock
看这篇文章,Baba 的ER应该问题不大。
October 17, 2017
2017 CEO Letter to Shareholders
Dear Alibaba Shareholders,
Once again, I am delighted for this opportunity to report on Alibaba Group’
s progress over the past year, and share our strategic outlook and plans for
the future.
We enjoyed significant growth across our entire business this past year.
This was also the year that our investors gained appreciation for the
clarity of Alibaba’s vision, mission and strategic blueprint. I would like
to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders for their trust and
commitment in Alibaba. At the same time, we remain committed as ever to our
philosophy that only when we take care of our customer and support our
employees who serve these customers, will we able to create shareholder
value. Hence, as we have always said, “Customers First, Employees Second,
Shareholders Third.” We will continue to invest for the future, create
unique customer value through innovation, and foster a robust environment
for the young people in our company to innovate and create. We believe that
persistence in playing the long game will result in significant and
sustainable returns for our shareholders.
Last year, we unveiled how we think about the future, the next ten to twenty
years, summarized as “The Five New” – New Retail, New Finance, New
Manufacturing, New Technology, New Energy. We are committed to building the
infrastructure for commerce, financial services, logistics, cloud computing
and Big Data in this new digital landscape. Data is the new fuel, and it
will stimulate development and widespread application of new technology. Its
use in areas such as commerce, financial services and manufacturing will
bring about disruption that we have not experienced before.
Under our “Five New” strategy, we enjoyed significant growth in the
following areas:
Our core commerce business continued to thrive and GMV transacted on our
China retail marketplaces for the past fiscal year surpassed RMB 3.7
trillion. In fiscal year 2017, about 80% of our transactions took place on
mobile, and our annual active consumers reached 454 million while mobile
monthly active users reached 507 million. Taobao and Tmall are doing much
more than just satisfying pre-existing consumption needs; they stimulate new
consumer demand through data-driven and content-rich features such as
personalized recommendations, live streams, short videos and newsfeeds.
Alibaba Cloud is still in hyper-growth mode, with year-over-year revenue
growth of 121% for the 2017 fiscal year. As of end of the quarter ended June
2017, Alibaba Cloud had more than one million paying customers, which
ranged from start-ups to SMEs to large industrial firms to municipal public
services. Together with a large and diverse community of developers and
service providers, a new ecosystem has formed around our cloud business.
Since the acquisition of Youku, our digital media and entertainment business
is coming together nicely. We have expanded our consumer offerings from
physical goods to a wide variety of digital content. More importantly, we
have introduced a game-changer for brands and retailers by enabling them to
invest in brand-building and consumer lifecycle management, with integrated
data working seamlessly across our e-commerce and digital media platforms to
create unique synergies.
Our portfolio of innovation bets produced many bright spots. Businesses such
as mapping and navigation app AutoNavi, workplace communications platform
DingTalk, New Retail grocery prototype Hema all demonstrated distinct
customer value proposition. We are incredibly excited by the substantial
growth potential of these innovation initiatives.
Last month, we celebrated our 18th anniversary. Over these years, Alibaba
has followed our mission to make it easy to do business anywhere, as we
successfully leveraged advancements in technology to capture opportunities
that emerged from the Internet’s impact on businesses and consumer
lifestyles. We evolved from a start-up helping small and medium enterprises
to “meet at Alibaba” and “transact at Alibaba” into a new infrastructure
for digital commerce that enables businesses and consumers to “work and
live at Alibaba.”
Looking forward, we believe the ongoing disruption caused by the confluence
of Internet technology, data application and commerce is only just beginning
. In anticipation of the future, we have already started to engineer our own
strategic evolution.
While our retail marketplace platforms Taobao and Tmall have in the past
successfully helped many businesses develop powerful new sales channels, we
are catalyzing businesses to revolutionize their entire operations through
complete digitization. This includes transformation of their sales channels,
marketing, supply chain, logistics and manufacturing. We will support their
digital transformation with a wide range of technology and data analytics
services and become their infrastructure for digital commerce.
For example, Alibaba will help businesses leverage our Uni-Marketing
approach to engage in brand-building, product marketing and customer
lifecycle management by leveraging data from our e-commerce and digital
media platforms. Our Rural Taobao network and Ling Shou Tong supply chain
services will empower brands to establish new distribution management
systems that improve performance through data applications. Cainiao’s smart
logistics network will help customers boost efficiency and lower costs
through integrated online-offline inventory management that can serve both
business-facing as well as consumer-facing needs. Cainiao will also work
with partners to enhance quality of logistics service and experience for
Alibaba’s mission is more than just growing online retail and achieving our
goal of US$1 trillion in GMV by fiscal year 2020. We also want to help
offline retail partners achieve digital transformation and upgrade existing
retail formats. We aim to create new value proposition for consumers by
redefining the key components of traditional retail - customer flow,
merchandise and space - in partnership with traditional retailers as well as
through pioneering new retail experiences.
We will continue to invest heavily in cloud computing and technology
research. One million paying customers on our cloud was an important
milestone for the business and it is just the beginning. Businesses from all
industries will have the need and desire to migrate onto the cloud in the
future as low-cost computing and advanced technologies become utilities that
are provided as a service. We will establish clear-cut service provider
schemes with domain expertise across different industries and provide
comprehensive solutions to customers by moving up the cloud stack. Alibaba
Cloud will also serve as the commercial distribution portal for Alibaba
Group’s proprietary technology. Advanced technology developed in-house by
Alibaba Group, such as security, middleware, content delivery network and
data intelligence, will be made available to third-party customers through
Alibaba Cloud.
We will continue to make long-term investments that expand our network for
digital content generation and digital media distribution. We believe the
ongoing changes in lifestyles of the next generation will lead to
exponential growth in demand for multimedia digital content such as drama
series, variety shows, live streams, short video and news. A rich and
diverse digital content library will increase user stickiness on our digital
media platform making the platform more valuable. Consumers that regularly
participate and live in the Alibaba economy will be rewarded through a
loyalty program that provides benefits across the purchase of physical goods
, digital content and local services.
In the coming years, we believe that technologies such as artificial
intelligence will dramatically reshape commerce. Alibaba will sustain our
competitive advantage of creating synergies between technology innovation
and business innovation. Because of the rich spectrum of use cases in our
commerce and entertainment ecosystem, we will continue to invest in and
apply cutting edge technology to commercial applications across this
Last but not least, we are aggressively charting our own course toward
globalization. We are focused on leveraging the vast consumer base and
manufacturing capability in China to develop our cross-border e-commerce
import and export businesses. Additionally, starting with the Southeast Asia
market, we will continue to expand into serving local consumers, thereby
gaining exposure to fast-growing consumption demand beyond our home borders.
Our ultimate goal is to realize global buy, global sell, global pay, global
delivery and global travel.
As Alibaba reached 18 years of age, this year marks the beginning of our
adulthood and responsibility. Compared to where we started, we look big. But
through the lens of the opportunities on the rapid path toward a digital
economy, we still have a lot of room to grow. Much learning is needed. We
need to learn how to sustain innovation. We need to learn to engage with
society and partners as custodians of an economy that we hope to be all-
This year also marks the third anniversary of our IPO, and I am proud to say
that we have made substantial strides as we innovated and positioned
ourselves for the future, while at the same time growing revenues three-fold
. I want to thank you, our investors, for your trust and companionship. We
will continue to play the long game.
Daniel Zhang
Chief Executive Officer
Alibaba Group

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: 觉得敢碰中钙的都是高手,老夫自叹弗如。

【在 i*******k 的大作中提到】
: 阿里不同于其他中概股,它有上千万淘宝卖家和几亿买家支撑着。这么大的市场,中国
: 政府轻易不敢动它,它若完蛋的话直接影响就是上亿女人没东西买,你知道的,女人发
: 狂的话,政府就是自寻死路了。
: 所以,中概股里买阿里实际是最稳当的了。

JD用户体验的确不错, 我感觉以后发展会不错,所以买了好多option, 结果就是股价疲
软不给力, 快废纸了!
所以啊,我的教训:炒股就不能感情用事, 选股就像选美, 你如果选的大家公认好(胸大,
屁股翘...),你就赚的多,但是你如果非要感情用事 说我tm就喜欢二号, 因为她像我初
恋, 其他的好看不好看都没有二号有感觉!
市场就是正确的, JD拿的出手的就是一个用户体验.
再看BABA, 蚂蚁金服(胸大,甭管是不是硅胶的), 阿里云(屁股翘,甭管软不软)....可供
炒作的题材太多,而且全是国际的大题材, 这些东西JD一样没有, 反观JD, 就东子闷头
苦干, 还有点没脑子,说些不着边际的话,跟马云的大嘴差太多!!

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: 从老夫个人角度看,老夫作为jd的第一批老顾客,觉得jd比阿里巴巴好
: 首先是大城市,jd基本是隔日到,而且一日两送
: 其次是,jd打假货确实不留余力
: 再次是,退换货的售后服务做得很好
: 阿里巴巴就一个卖假货平台,上面好的东西不便宜,便宜的东西基本都是假冒伪劣次,
: 老夫不看好。
: 但是没用,回到美股来,情况无法预计。

11月2盘前才er, 你们今天跑是不是太早了

: JD用户体验的确不错, 我感觉以后发展会不错,所以买了好多option, 结果就是

: 软不给力, 快废纸了!

: 所以啊,我的教训:炒股就不能感情用事, 选股就像选美, 你如果选的大家公认好

: 屁股翘...),你就赚的多,但是你如果非要感情用事 说我tm就喜欢二号, 因为她

: 恋, 其他的好看不好看都没有二号有感觉!

: 这种心态的必屎!

: 市场就是正确的, JD拿的出手的就是一个用户体验.

: 再看BABA, 蚂蚁金服(胸大,甭管是不是硅胶的), 阿里云(屁股翘,甭管软不软)..

: 炒作的题材太多,而且全是国际的大题材, 这些东西JD一样没有, 反观JD, 就东

: 苦干, 还有点没脑子,说些不着边际的话,跟马云的大嘴差太多!!

【在 m*****1 的大作中提到】
: JD用户体验的确不错, 我感觉以后发展会不错,所以买了好多option, 结果就是股价疲
: 软不给力, 快废纸了!
: 所以啊,我的教训:炒股就不能感情用事, 选股就像选美, 你如果选的大家公认好(胸大,
: 屁股翘...),你就赚的多,但是你如果非要感情用事 说我tm就喜欢二号, 因为她像我初
: 恋, 其他的好看不好看都没有二号有感觉!
: 这种心态的必屎!
: 市场就是正确的, JD拿的出手的就是一个用户体验.
: 再看BABA, 蚂蚁金服(胸大,甭管是不是硅胶的), 阿里云(屁股翘,甭管软不软)....可供
: 炒作的题材太多,而且全是国际的大题材, 这些东西JD一样没有, 反观JD, 就东子闷头
: 苦干, 还有点没脑子,说些不着边际的话,跟马云的大嘴差太多!!


【在 x*******g 的大作中提到】
: 要不把眼睛一闭赌一把.
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