TSLA年底$100 (转载)
TSLA年底$100 (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: YouHi (YouHi), 信区: Automobile
标 题: TSLA年底$100
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 4 15:07:39 2019, 美东)
Whitney Tilson back in 2014 called his bet against Tesla “one of the
biggest mistakes long or short of my investment career.” A few years of “
sustained underperformance” later, he ended up shutting down his Kase
Capital Management fund.
But he hasn’t shut down his trash talk on Tesla shares.
“Today I’m making one of my rare big calls,” he wrote in an email posted
on ValueWalk on Monday. “We will look back on last Friday as the beginning
of the end for Tesla’s stock. I think Musk has no more rabbits to pull out
of his hat and therefore it’s all downhill from here. I predict that by the
end of the year, the stock, today at $295, will be under $100.”
A loser’s trash talk
[在 YouHi (YouHi) 的大作中提到:]
:Whitney Tilson back in 2014 called his bet against Tesla “one of the
:biggest mistakes long or short of my investment career.” A few years of “
:sustained underperformance” later, he ended up shutting down his Kase
:Capital Management fund.
:But he hasn’t shut down his trash talk on Tesla shares.
:“Today I’m making one of my rare big calls,” he wrote in an email posted
on ValueWalk on Monday. “We will look back on last Friday as the beginning
of the end for Tesla’s stock. I think Musk has no more rabbits to pull out
of his hat and therefore it’s all downhill from here. I predict that by
the end of the year, the stock, today at $295, will be under $100.”