给特黑致命的一击 (转载)
给特黑致命的一击 (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: mittbs (mittbs), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 给特黑致命的一击
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 10 22:11:05 2019, 美东)
IL提案,给全电动车加1000刀一年的等同于gas tax的养路费,每年!
proposed hike in Illinois’ annual registration fee for electric vehicles,
from $17.50 to $1,000, is being called unfair by current EV owners, and a
sales disincentive by manufacturers — just as the new technology is
beginning to gain broader traction.
“It’s outrageous,” said Nicoletta Skarlatos, 56, of Chicago, who bought a
Tesla Model S five years ago. “I thought Illinois was progressive and
would want to encourage EV ownership.”
Aimed at raising money to make overdue road improvements across Illinois,
the proposed legislation would also more than double the state’s gas tax to
44 cents a gallon and raise the registration fee for standard vehicles to $
148, from $98, among other elements.
But the kicker is a nearly 60-fold increase in the electric vehicle
registration fee — one that is sure to cause sticker shock across a nascent
segment of the auto industry, which has depended on government incentives
to entice early adopters.
Hybrids and plug-in electric hybrids, which both use gas to supplement
electric power, are not included in the $1,000 fee proposal.
The justification for the dramatic hike? Electric vehicles don’t provide
the state with any gas tax revenue.
“There’s definitely a push, because electric vehicles don’t pay any gas
taxes,” said Pete Sander, president of the Illinois Automobile Dealers
Tesla said it opposes the Illinois fee increase. Electric truck startup
Rivian, which is slated to begin production at its factory in downstate
Normal next year, was more outspoken.
“Imposing fees on EVs that are over 400 percent more than their gasoline-
powered counterparts is not only unfair, it discourages promising new
technology that will reduce our dependence on petroleum, reduce emissions,
and promote the Illinois economy,” Rivian spokesman Michael McHale said.
The legislation, introduced this week by Democratic Sen. Martin Sandoval of
Chicago, would raise about $2.4 billion in annual transportation funding,
according to its backers. Sandoval did not respond to a request for comment
Thursday on the proposed EV registration fee hike.
Last year, electric vehicle sales topped 200,000, or about 2 percent of
total U.S. auto sales, according to Edmunds, an auto research firm. Tesla is
the market leader, but competitors include the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt,
with a host of new EVs from other manufacturers set to hit the market in the
near future.
“Every automaker has broadcast loud and clear that the future of automotive
is autonomous and electric,” Jeremy Acevedo, an analyst with Edmunds, said
Acevedo said EV sales growth has been slower than some projected, with a
dearth of models and not enough electric infrastructure — charging stations
— to promote widespread adoption.
A $7,500 federal tax incentive has helped consumers take the plunge. But
once a manufacturer hits 200,000 electric vehicles delivered, the credit is
cut in half, which is the case with Tesla. In fact, starting July 1, the tax
incentive will be cut in half again at Tesla, to $1,875 per car.
At the other end of the spectrum, Nissan, which sold 14,713 Leafs in the U.S
. last year, has yet to hit the 200,000 cumulative sales mark and still
qualifies for the full $7,500 federal tax credit. Retail price for the car
starts at less than $30,000, before incentives.
A disincentive, such as the Illinois registration fee, could significantly
slow sales momentum, Acevedo said.
“Certainly, going from $17.50 to $1,000 in terms of registration, isn’t
going to move the needle in the direction the industry is hoping,” Acevedo
Illinois ranked seventh in EV sales last year, at 6,400 vehicles. There were
about 15,000 electric vehicles registered in the state as of last month,
but analysts project that number could increase dramatically in the coming
years as manufacturers ramp up production, customers warm to adoption, and
more and better charging stations come online.
A recent study by the Citizens Utility Board projected the number of
electric vehicles registered in Illinois to hit at least 690,000 by 2030,
but could reach as high as 2.2 million if the state embarks on an “
aggressive effort to reduce carbon emissions.”
The proposed electric vehicle registration fee hike would certainly run
counter to such efforts, according to CUB spokesman Jim Chilsen.
“The proposed fee increase is way too high,” Chilsen said. “It’s
punitive, it’s unfair and it goes against Illinois’ transportation trends
and needs. It won’t be long before we’re all driving in an EV world — out
of necessity. We need EVs, not only to reduce pollution but also to keep
down our personal driving costs and the costs of the power grid.”

【在 m********3 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
: 发信人: mittbs (mittbs), 信区: Automobile
: 标 题: 给特黑致命的一击
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 10 22:11:05 2019, 美东)
: IL提案,给全电动车加1000刀一年的等同于gas tax的养路费,每年!
: 我们特轮等着看你们笑话~
: proposed hike in Illinois’ annual registration fee for electric vehicles,
: from $17.50 to $1,000, is being called unfair by current EV owners, and a
: sales disincentive by manufacturers — just as the new technology is
: beginning to gain broader traction.


:【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
:发信人: mittbs (mittbs), 信区: Automobile

【在 t***3 的大作中提到】
: 这是给特黑一击?
: :【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
: :发信人: mittbs (mittbs), 信区: Automobile
