F1+H1, File 1040 with standard deduction and tax treaty-from IRS reply# TAX - 交税与退税
1 楼
I just got the reply from IRS. I was told that I can file as a nonresident
alien even if I am not present 183 THIS year by making the first year choice.
And since I am not an resident alien until this April 15, 2001. I will file an
extension for four month to be eligible for the 183 presence days. And more
importantly, I can take the standard deduction and the $5000 tax treaty at the
same time!!! This is so great. Below is my question and IRS's reply.
My question:
I was a resident of the People'
alien even if I am not present 183 THIS year by making the first year choice.
And since I am not an resident alien until this April 15, 2001. I will file an
extension for four month to be eligible for the 183 presence days. And more
importantly, I can take the standard deduction and the $5000 tax treaty at the
same time!!! This is so great. Below is my question and IRS's reply.
My question:
I was a resident of the People'