graph question# TeX - TeX电子排版系统
1 楼
how to put a graph on the right, and a paragraph on the left, the 2 aligned
with the same top line? like:
here is the normal text mode, hehe. hehe.
adsfas asdf asd fa dfasd fa |-----------|
asdfa asdfads adfas adsfaf | ^_^ |
| _ OO |
adf dfasfd adff | o^o .) |
dsfadf afddadf |-----------|
now, normal text mode again, hehe. that's
with the same top line? like:
here is the normal text mode, hehe. hehe.
adsfas asdf asd fa dfasd fa |-----------|
asdfa asdfads adfas adsfaf | ^_^ |
| _ OO |
adf dfasfd adff | o^o .) |
dsfadf afddadf |-----------|
now, normal text mode again, hehe. that's