Introduction to Philosophy -- Metaphysics# Thoughts - 思考者
1 楼
Metaphysics is defined as the study of ultimate reality. But what is the
nature of that ultimate reality? Is it only material? Is it non-material? The
word "metaphysics" comes from the root words "meta" meaning beyond and
"physics" meaning the physical world. But is there a reality beyond the
physical world? The various answers to this question have produced various
metaphysical theories.
This is the view that the only reality is the ideal world. A well known
exponent of thi
Metaphysics is defined as the study of ultimate reality. But what is the
nature of that ultimate reality? Is it only material? Is it non-material? The
word "metaphysics" comes from the root words "meta" meaning beyond and
"physics" meaning the physical world. But is there a reality beyond the
physical world? The various answers to this question have produced various
metaphysical theories.
This is the view that the only reality is the ideal world. A well known
exponent of thi