Where to download Sun UNIX?# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
I don't have a sun work station but I still want to install UNIX. I am not
familiar with FreeBSD and I love Solaris most.
Can I install UNIX on PC?
And, I wonder where I can download UNIX. I checked sun's website but it
didn't provide free images, or I didn't find it. Can anybody advise?
Many thanks.
if you are not OS guy, linux/freebsd is better. at least
the daily tools feel much better, eg. the mozilla is much
more stable in linux than solaris.

【在 p*u 的大作中提到】
: I don't have a sun work station but I still want to install UNIX. I am not
: familiar with FreeBSD and I love Solaris most.
: Can I install UNIX on PC?
: And, I wonder where I can download UNIX. I checked sun's website but it
: didn't provide free images, or I didn't find it. Can anybody advise?
: Many thanks.


Sun no longer provide download service for Solaris for ix86.
Search the google you may find some site at Au providing Solaris 7 for ix86.
The best way is order CDs from SUN. The you will get the latest Solaris 8, whih
provids lot of new hardware support. I have tried Solaris 8 of 200010. It just
couldn't drive my Network card and USB mouse. Good luck to you though.

【在 p*u 的大作中提到】
: I don't have a sun work station but I still want to install UNIX. I am not
: familiar with FreeBSD and I love Solaris most.
: Can I install UNIX on PC?
: And, I wonder where I can download UNIX. I checked sun's website but it
: didn't provide free images, or I didn't find it. Can anybody advise?
: Many thanks.

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