关于一个C++library的连接# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
I am having apache server under solaris, in a CGI in C, using
1. system ("cd /my/program/ ; make");---> to generat A(executable) from A.cc,
it works
2. system ("cd /my/program/; A"); ------> want to get A executed, but can
not, and the return value of the 2nd system call is 35072,(1st is 0) dont know
what it stands for. check the error_log of apache server, it keeps on saying
some library can not be found, but i dont think it is because of this, the 2nd
system call cant work, since if I type "c
It might be that some library cannot be found. try ldd A to see which
dynamic libraries it needs to run.

【在 b**l 的大作中提到】
: I am having apache server under solaris, in a CGI in C, using
: 1. system ("cd /my/program/ ; make");---> to generat A(executable) from A.cc,
: it works
: 2. system ("cd /my/program/; A"); ------> want to get A executed, but can
: not, and the return value of the 2nd system call is 35072,(1st is 0) dont know
: what it stands for. check the error_log of apache server, it keeps on saying
: some library can not be found, but i dont think it is because of this, the 2nd
: system call cant work, since if I type "c


check the manpage of system and waitpid for the explanation of error code.
i would suggest you try system("/my/program/A") or system("cd ...; ./A")
system function use /bin/sh, instead of your login shell, RTFM.

【在 b**l 的大作中提到】
: I am having apache server under solaris, in a CGI in C, using
: 1. system ("cd /my/program/ ; make");---> to generat A(executable) from A.cc,
: it works
: 2. system ("cd /my/program/; A"); ------> want to get A executed, but can
: not, and the return value of the 2nd system call is 35072,(1st is 0) dont know
: what it stands for. check the error_log of apache server, it keeps on saying
: some library can not be found, but i dont think it is because of this, the 2nd
: system call cant work, since if I type "c

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