Build a gateway,firewall and wireless AP
Build a gateway,firewall and wireless AP# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
I have a cable modem connection from comcast and several computers at
home, including an Apple iBook with wireless card (Airport) and a
wireless print server (Netgear PS111W). I had a wireless router to
network all of them together. But I thought building a gateway on an
old PC would be fun, and it would be more flexible and secure. I ended
up building the wireless access point into the PC as well. I refered
to a lot of resources found on the web and other fellow FreeBSD users,
thanks to the hel
How much is this work worth? $25 after rebate?
no offense
All the hardware is a waste. It can be done with a Pentium 100 and 100MB hd

【在 D****g 的大作中提到】
: I have a cable modem connection from comcast and several computers at
: home, including an Apple iBook with wireless card (Airport) and a
: wireless print server (Netgear PS111W). I had a wireless router to
: network all of them together. But I thought building a gateway on an
: old PC would be fun, and it would be more flexible and secure. I ended
: up building the wireless access point into the PC as well. I refered
: to a lot of resources found on the web and other fellow FreeBSD users,
: thanks to the hel

nonono, there's a bridging function no current those Routers support yet
u can bridge a PhoneLine Nic/PowerLine Nic with Wireless and Ethernet etc.

【在 h**h 的大作中提到】
: How much is this work worth? $25 after rebate?
: no offense

for $25, please give me such things:
1. gateway, access point, with a configurable firewall, as stable as freebsd.
2. configurable dhcp server.
3. dyndns updating function.
4. email server.
5. http, https server
6. samba server
7. print server
8. appletalk server
9. webdav file server
10. dns caching server
those all the services I am running on the box.
a decent AP alone costs more than $100.

【在 h**h 的大作中提到】
: How much is this work worth? $25 after rebate?
: no offense

the work was worth $200 two years back, but now, it devaluates
for a low end wireless router/print server, it meets your requirement
of 1,2,3,7, plus UPnP
for function of 4-6,8-10, it was not included in the first estimate
but how much did you pay for your wireless NIC? Phoneline NIC?
or maybe powerline NIC? Special FAN, HD, and all the hassles?
don't tell me FAR

【在 D****g 的大作中提到】
: for $25, please give me such things:
: 1. gateway, access point, with a configurable firewall, as stable as freebsd.
: 2. configurable dhcp server.
: 3. dyndns updating function.
: 4. email server.
: 5. http, https server
: 6. samba server
: 7. print server
: 8. appletalk server
: 9. webdav file server

Some of the functions are not necessary for a home network of Windows
machines. Some functions can be configured on the router such that
the service is redirected to one of the Windows machine.
The main point of having a PC as a router is configurability. However,
it can take quite a bit space and consume a lot power. If you have a
spare machine, go with it. Otherwise, I would stick with a router
since it is cheap, simple and having a very small foot print.

【在 D****g 的大作中提到】
: for $25, please give me such things:
: 1. gateway, access point, with a configurable firewall, as stable as freebsd.
: 2. configurable dhcp server.
: 3. dyndns updating function.
: 4. email server.
: 5. http, https server
: 6. samba server
: 7. print server
: 8. appletalk server
: 9. webdav file server

well, it's just for Linux/BSD users, we want more options instead of
M$ way of "we build it for u".
Can you modify your Low End Wireless router to support what it suppose to do?
Do you have to wait for firmware updates if there's anything wrong or
can u fix it?
With a PhoneLine/Powerline Nic, can you add those support to your FAR low
end router?
Anyway, if you like "build to fit", those low end routers fit your need.
But if you want to upgrade, u have to get another FAR one.
(such as,802.11b->80

【在 h**h 的大作中提到】
: the work was worth $200 two years back, but now, it devaluates
: for a low end wireless router/print server, it meets your requirement
: of 1,2,3,7, plus UPnP
: for function of 4-6,8-10, it was not included in the first estimate
: but how much did you pay for your wireless NIC? Phoneline NIC?
: or maybe powerline NIC? Special FAN, HD, and all the hassles?
: don't tell me FAR
