how to solve this problem# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
I have to call a external tool in my C code.
the tool will read a file and generate some files to the disk,
I want to speed up this process, becuase I may have to call it
many times. The input file to this tool can be generated by my
code also. How can I use this tool without accessing disk?
I mean how can I feed the input file generated by my code to this
tool and force this tool output its result to the memory instead
of file in the disk? It seems that memor mapped file could be
a solution,
In general, you can't do it. On PC, you could try things like ramdisk.

【在 a****a 的大作中提到】
: I have to call a external tool in my C code.
: the tool will read a file and generate some files to the disk,
: I want to speed up this process, becuase I may have to call it
: many times. The input file to this tool can be generated by my
: code also. How can I use this tool without accessing disk?
: I mean how can I feed the input file generated by my code to this
: tool and force this tool output its result to the memory instead
: of file in the disk? It seems that memor mapped file could be
: a solution,

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