my friend is using ssh secure shell to transfer files betwen windows 2000
and unix, without any problem for years.
but recently, he (only him, not any one else in my group) has trouble
of getting into the ssh shell because of the following error msg.
File transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpectedly.
Exit value 0 was returned. Most likely the sftp-server is not in the
path of the user on the server-side.
I check with the file sshd_config. it points correctly to the binary file
check his .profile or .cshrc or similar files
or, his user id, group etc

【在 s**p 的大作中提到】
: my friend is using ssh secure shell to transfer files betwen windows 2000
: and unix, without any problem for years.
: but recently, he (only him, not any one else in my group) has trouble
: of getting into the ssh shell because of the following error msg.
: File transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpectedly.
: Exit value 0 was returned. Most likely the sftp-server is not in the
: path of the user on the server-side.
: I check with the file sshd_config. it points correctly to the binary file

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