今天彭博新闻最为广泛阅读的一个悲剧之一# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Wife Strangled After Breaking Her Husband's Star Wars Toys
2011-11-07 17:56:14.36 GMT
Nov. 7 (Telegraph) -- A HUSBAND was found guilty of murder last week
for strangling his Thai wife after she smashed up his collection of Star
Wars toys.
Rickie La Touche, 30, claimed that Pornpilai Srisroy, 28, damaged the
Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker memorabilia that he had built up since he was
a child. During a subsequent row, he suffocated his wife then ran off
sobbing to his mother who lived in a nearby street.
A relative found Miss Pornpilai dead on the couple's bed covered by a
duvet with a pillow over her face.
La Touche later told police that his wife had smashed up his Star Wars
collection as part of a campaign to make his life "hell". He claimed he was
a henpecked husband who "flipped" after she threatened to leave him to go
back to Thailand.
La Touche – also known as Rickie Nehls – was found guilty of murder
after a trial at Preston Crown Court and jailed for life, with a minimum of
12 years.
The court heard that he met his wife in a bar while on holiday in
Bangkok in 2001. He became "besotted" and they married on his fourth visit
to Thailand in 2003 but she could not get a UK visa until two years later.
Once she moved to Britain, the couple had a child and lived at various
addresses before moving to a terrace house in Leigh, Greater Manchester. He
killed her in April during a violent row.
-0- Nov/07/2011 17:56 GMT