丹麦University of Aarhus开始进行肖氏反射弧临床试验
丹麦University of Aarhus开始进行肖氏反射弧临床试验# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Somato-sensory Reflex Arch in Spinal Cord Injury - Effect on Colorectal
This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified November 2011 by University of Aarhus
First Received on November 8, 2010. Last Updated on November 3, 2011
History of Changes
Sponsor: University of Aarhus
Collaborator: Lundbeck Foundation
Information provided by (Responsible Party): University of Aarhus Identifier: NCT01274312
Somato-sensory Reflex Arch in Spinal Cord Injury - Effect on Clinical
This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified June 2011 by University of Aarhus
First Received on November 8, 2010. Last Updated on June 8, 2011 History
of Changes
Sponsor: University of Aarhus
Collaborator: Lundbeck Foundation
Information provided by: University of Aarhus Identifier: NCT01241630
你怎么不说Geogia, Florida,还有UK了?

【在 D*******a 的大作中提到】
: 正在RECRUIT病人,他们的计划更大胆,不光试验建立反射弧治疗尿失禁,还用反射弧
: 治疗大便失禁
: Somato-sensory Reflex Arch in Spinal Cord Injury - Effect on Colorectal
: Transport
: This study is currently recruiting participants.
: Verified November 2011 by University of Aarhus
: First Received on November 8, 2010. Last Updated on November 3, 2011
: History of Changes
: Sponsor: University of Aarhus

美国佛罗里达州的全儿童医院 (ACH) 开始了一项临床研究来对一个治疗脊柱裂和脊髓
肖氏手术是由中国同济医学院的协和医院泌尿科主任肖传国医生发明的。 这个由美国
尿科医生Yves Homsy 去年在香港举行的儿童控尿专题讨论会上认识了肖教授并对他的
肖氏手术产生了兴趣。随后Homsy医生,儿童神经外科的Gerald Tuite和Luis
有关参与研究的医生详细介绍 (略):
ACH Surgeons Begin Clinical Trial to Evaluate Xiao Procedure
All Children’s has begun a clinical research trial of a surgical procedure
that holds promise for treating neurogenic bladder in children with spina
bifida or spinal cord injuries.
The three-year, blinded, IRB-approved study will involve children with spina
bifida or spinal cord injuries. It began in mid-March with eight children
who underwent surgery. Seven were spina bifida patients who were already
undergoing surgery for spinal cord detethering; half also underwent the “
Xiao procedure” that All Children’s physicians are evaluating. The eighth
patient, whose bladder dysfunction was a result of surgery during his
infancy to remove a spinal cord tumor, had surgery specifically to undergo
the Xiao procedure.
The Xiao procedure was developed by Chuan-Guo Xiao, M.D., Chairman of the
Department of Urology at Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, People’s
Republic of China. The Xiao procedure, developed during NIH-funded research
in the U.S. and China, has been performed on some 1,500 adults and children
in the People’s Republic. Pediatric urologist Yves Homsy, M.D. became
interested in the procedure last year after meeting Professor Xiao at an
International Children’s Continence Symposium in Hong Kong.
Dr. Homsy and pediatric neurosurgeons Gerald Tuite, M.D. and Luis Rodriguez,
M.D., subsequently visited Professor Xiao to review his results and learn
the technique. They are working together in the clinical research trial at
The Xiao procedure involves an intradural re-routing of lumbar to sacral
nerves to provide a new pathway for voluntary bladder emptying. After the “
skin-CNS-bladder” reinnervation procedure, the bladder and bowels are
activated when the patient vigorously scratches a spot on the thigh.
Following surgery, neurological healing and nerve regeneration take at least
eight months.
About the Physicians
Dr. Yves Homsy, M.D.
Dr. Yves Homsy serves as Clinical Professor of Surgery (Urology) and
Pediatrics at the University of South Florida, and practices as a Pediatric
Urologist at All Children\'s Hospital.
Dr. Homsy attained his Medical Degree and completed an internship at Cairo
University in Cairo, Egypt, and followed that with a Residency in General
Surgery at Greek Community Hospital in Cairo. After moving to Canada, Dr.
Homsy then completed another internship at Montreal General Hospital,
followed by Residencies in General Surgery (Sainte Jeanne d\'Arc Hospital,
Montreal) and Urology (McGill University Urology Training Programme,
Montreal and Toronto).
His career has included extensive research, teaching, and publishing. Dr.
Homsy practiced and taught at the University of Montreal and McGill
University before joining the University of South Florida and All Children\
's Hospital in 1995.
Dr. Luis Rodriguez
Dr. Luis Felipe Rodriguez practices Pediatric Neurosurgery at All Children\
's Hospital and the University of South Florida. He is Assistant Professor
of Neurosurgery in the Department of Neurological Surgery and Rehabilitation
, University of South Florida School of Medicine.
Upon receiving his medical degree at the University of Michigan, Dr.
Rodruguez stayed on at the University of Michigan for a General Surgery
Internship and Residency in Neurosurgery. Dr. Rodriguez completed his
medical education with a Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellowship at the Primary
Children\'s Medical Center, University of Utah Department of Neurosurgery
, in Salt Lake City. Dr. Rodriguez joined the USF faculty in 2005. His
primary neurosurgical focus is on spine issues in children.
Dr. Gerald Tuite, M.D.
After graduating from Medical School at Northwestern University Medical
School in Chicago, Dr. Tuite completed his general surgery internship at
Northwestern University and his Neurosurgery Residency at University of
Michigan. After serving a year as Chief Resident at the University of
Michigan, Dr. Tuite took a Pediatric Neurosurgical and Complex Spinal
Fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, England.
Dr. Tuite completed his medical training with a Pediatric Neurosurgery
Fellowship at Texas Children\'s Hospital in Houston.
In 2008 Dr. Tuite re-joined the USF Neurosurgery Faculty and All Children\\
's Hospital Pediatric Neurosurgery program after serving as Director of
Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Medical University of South Carolina. In his
years at the Medical University of South Carolina, Dr. Tuite also served as
Neurosurgery Residency Program and was active in training residents and

【在 G*********s 的大作中提到】
: 你怎么不说Geogia, Florida,还有UK了?
Give me an independent link, please

【在 D*******a 的大作中提到】
: FLORIA组2009年开始三年期试验,估计2013年出结果
: 美国佛罗里达州的“全儿童医院”的外科医生开始临床试验评估肖氏手术
: 美国佛罗里达州的全儿童医院 (ACH) 开始了一项临床研究来对一个治疗脊柱裂和脊髓
: 损伤后神经源性膀胱有着很大成功希望的的外科手术进行评估。
: 这个开始于3月份由医学伦理委员会通过历时3年的双盲试验将包括脊柱裂或脊髓损伤的
: 患儿。在8个儿童中有7个患先天性的脊柱裂并正在接受脊髓栓系松解术;有一半的病人
: 同时进行了肖氏手术并正由全儿童医院的医生进行评估。第8个病人的膀胱功能障碍是
: 因为在新生儿阶段手术摘除一个脊髓肿瘤造成的。这个患儿只接受了肖氏手术。
: 肖氏手术是由中国同济医学院的协和医院泌尿科主任肖传国医生发明的。 这个由美国
: 国立卫生研究院在中美两地资助完成的手术已经在1500个成人和儿童身上实施。儿童泌
